Hello everyone and thanks a million for this extensive discussion! I've been reading the posts for a couple of days now and I must say even though this forum is a gold mine I couldn't find answers to some of my questions. Of course, I might be looking at the wrong place

I don't want to bother you with all of them (for now) so, if somebody can help me with this one, that would be highly appreciated!
I am a doctoral student in music, in 3rd year now, and I've been working as a TA from day one. The amount of work I got from the department is only 140 hrs/year and that is nowhere near the requirement set by CIC. Now, before I came to Canada I worked as a full-time music teacher (at school, not university) in my home country for 4 consecutive years. The amount of hours I have accumulated this way is a few times greater than what is requested by CIC. My question basically is, do you think I can rely on the previous work experience as my TA-ing experience is apparently insufficient. And finally, do you think I should maybe apply for PR under a different program?
Thanks a lot!