This forum has always been such nice forum to vent your emotions by sharing the good and bad experiences. I applied under the PhD stream (NOC 4011) in 2012 while I was a PhD candidate. My application got rejected in 2013 because of this "some" vs. "substantial" stupidity that some of you guys have so nicely explained. I applied again under the same NOC, this time thoroughly revising the job experience letter (earlier it was just a short verification letter

- please see my earlier posts). Here's is a draft of the new letter I provided. Please share your experience and judgement regarding my chances of surpassing that "substantial" bar this time- I am getting really pessimistic :-X.
To Whom it May it Concern
Re. Experience Certificate
This letter is written to confirm that Dr. xxx was an employee as lecturer in the Department of xxx at University of xxx , starting from xxx to xxx.
His pay scale had been as follows:
Dr. xxx’s normal workload was 40 hours per week during his period of employment ( xxx to xxx). His main duties in the Department of xxx were as follows.
1. Teach at least three Bachelor of Science (BSc) and/or Master of Science (MSc) courses per semester.
2. Conduct original research in xxx with the goal of publishing results in peer reviewed journals.
3. Assist in department’s other academic and administrative duties such as proctoring and grading exams, curriculum development and student’s career counseling.
A summary of his work experience accumulated during his lectureship is given below.
Teaching Experience
He variously taught the following courses at the Department of xxx.
(i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v)
Courses (ii), (iv) and (v) above also included computer lab components. He also taught the following course in Department of zzz as a visiting faculty in years xxx.
The teaching responsibilities carried out by him included (a) preparing and delivering lectures, (b) supervising course projects, (c) holding office hours to assist and tutor students with coursework and projects, (d) conducting weekly lab sessions, (e) providing and proctoring exams, and (f) marking assignments and exams.
Research and Consultation Experience
Dr. xxx was one of the active research members in the department. His research contributions were as follows.
Peer Reviewed Publications:
Publication 1
Acknowledged Contributions (please see the acknowledgments sections):
Publication 2
Professional Consultation: Apart from his research activities, he was actively engaged in providing xxx consultation to … .
Academic and Administrative Services
Dr. xxx provided following services in addition to the duties listed above.
(i) He was quite instrumental in providing his input in departments curriculum development activities…
(ii) The other administrative duties he performed throughout his tenure were …, …
(iii) He was also assigned the task of …. (another specialized administrative duty)
We found Dr. xxx to be a motivated professional and dedicated to acquiring and imparting knowledge and education. This is also reflected by the fact that he has just recently complete his PhD degree in xxx from xxx. We wish him good luck in all his future endeavours.
Should you need further information, please do not hesitate to contact me at xxx or by email xxx.
Yours Sincerely,