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Applicant from PhD program after 5 Nov, 2011 connect here to get status


Hero Member
Apr 12, 2013
Visa Office......
NOC Code......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
Doc's Request.
AOR Received.
Med's Request
Passport Req..
N_O said:
Actually, I thought mine were perfect too! They have all the duties but not the leading statement "Assist professors in research activities"
As I Know, we have "assist professors in analyzing the results and preparing scholarly journals" in our duties which matches the lead statement for RA, People who got rejected didn't have any indication anywhere in their letters that they assist professors. I think it should be mentioned somewhere in your letter. It's not important where.


Hero Member
Mar 5, 2013
Visa Office......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
AOR Received.
Parkinson said:
As I Know, we have "assist professors in analyzing the results and preparing scholarly journals" in our duties which matches the lead statement for RA, People who got rejected didn't have any indication anywhere in their letters that they assist professors. I think it should be mentioned somewhere in your letter. It's not important where.
I believed that before, but after all those rejection and my last experience I want to be in the safe side!

Anjuku told me before that her letter do not have the word of assisting in the introduction but it was mentioned in the duties so I should be fine, but I became so worried recently.


Jun 4, 2013
Hello All,

I am a total newbie here! I applied for PR this February under PhD stream and received my PER 2 weeks later, on March 4. I tried to make my tuition domestic, but it seems like they don't accept "new" PER letters in the University of Waterloo. Has anyone changed their tuition to domestic recently in Ontario?
(My OHIP application has been reviewed and accepted)

This is a great forum, thanks for all your help.


Star Member
Nov 11, 2012
Hi seniors,

An irrelevant question. How did you get your spouses to Canada? My wife got one rejection for her TRV (the reason is that VO didn't believe that she'll leave Canada after visit). I will apply for immigration under this phd stream next January but it really takes time. So we consider applying for open work permit from outside Canada directly. Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance.


Hero Member
Mar 5, 2013
Visa Office......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
AOR Received.
chenying3612 said:
Hi seniors,

An irrelevant question. How did you get your spouses to Canada? My wife got one rejection for her TRV (the reason is that VO didn't believe that she'll leave Canada after visit). I will apply for immigration under this phd stream next January but it really takes time. So we consider applying for open work permit from outside Canada directly. Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance.
I believe that she can get an open work permit easily as you have a valid study permit.


Star Member
May 16, 2012
This is the jist of my letter:

xxx has worked under my supervision at....UBC. The work was paid on a full-time basis. From his appointment in January 2009, he fulfilled the role of graduate research assistant under my supervision until December 2011 based on 37.5 hours a week. His principal role was a laboratory based research assistant studying ......The total number of hours worked totalled 3900 hours. Also during this period 640 of the hours was spent undertaking paid work as a teaching assistant, assisting on five undergradute courses within the mining department, in which his principal role was marking assignments and running student labs. From jan 2011 to april 2011, he remained as a teaching assistant on two undergraduate courses for a cumulative time of 80 hours.

The total number of hours worked are as follows:
Total working hours of 3980 with a total earnings of xxxxx.

I trust this is sufficient to support Mr.... application. Should you require any further information or clarification of the above, please feel free to contact me directly.

Sincerely xxxxx

This last sentence shows that no common sense is used in the process. How hard is it to give my supervisor a call or email to clarify my role if you are uncertain?

I see no problem in people quoting the noc code word for word if you did those things. I satisfied everyone of the main duties during my employment, but I guess I needed to list them all out. My fault I guess for not doing it. It makes a mockery of the system though, I thought the fact that Canada wanted us here would be a reason to actually think about applications a little more. I am 28, only person in the application, established in Canada, with a guaranteed job in mining engineering and geology (of which they do not have enough people to fill the jobs), waiting for me to get P.R so I can start full time, with two previous degrees, a canadian common law spouse and 9's across the board in English.....and I got rejected over the wording of a letter.

Rant over. This system is bull***


Hero Member
Nov 21, 2012
Master3 said:
I want to send updated TA/RA letter but don't know how?!!!
Does any body could help?

I have it ready , duties are copy and past and its mentioned that "Mr. XXXX has worked at least 40 hours per week, where he has assisted me in research activities."

Is it ok ?
Email it to CPP-OTTAWA, after a week, make sure it is attached to your application.


Hero Member
Nov 21, 2012
Brit_Immigrant said:
I sent t4's and t4a's. I never received any contracts from my department so couldn't send them. They didn't have any issue with the hours verification. It was simply the job description/lead statement miss-match on the rejection letter.

My lead statement was: "xxx worked under my supervision in a research assistant role from xxx to xxx and in a teaching assistant capacity between xxx and xxx under my supervision". Based on my rejection, that does not match the lead statement they wanted, although the lead statement states that post-secondary teaching and research assistants assist university professors in teaching and research activities. How is working under my professors supervision not assisting him?

I am lost for words!
GUYS. you MUST have EXACT words of the DUTIES and LEAD STATEMENT in your letters. Do not leave anything for the officer's interpretation.:

*** has been working as a research assistant at **** since ***** (**** hrs/week) assisting Dr. **** in (DUTIES).


Hero Member
Nov 21, 2012
Parkinson said:
As I Know, we have "assist professors in analyzing the results and preparing scholarly journals" in our duties which matches the lead statement for RA, People who got rejected didn't have any indication anywhere in their letters that they assist professors. I think it should be mentioned somewhere in your letter. It's not important where.
CERTAINLY. "Assisting professor in the analysis of results" is one of the duties which, of course, must be stated in the letter. The lead statement (i.e. Mr. **** assists Dr. **** in ****) must be stated somewhere else towards the beginning of your letter.

I STRONGLY encourage everybody to send an additional letter if your first letter misses the lead statement. Look at the NOC code webpage, and follow it line by line when you write your new letter. That is the only solution. Do not play with your time and money. Take the action right now.


Jun 4, 2013
Hello guys,

Since CIC website explicitly mentions [Any RA hours considered "scholarship income" and indicated on a T4A tax slip may not qualify.], should we start tuning down scholarship offers?

Has anyone successfully received PR with this type of scholarship-income RA experience? (Sorry I didn't read through the ~600 pages and the search function does not work well for me)



Jun 4, 2013
yunshi said:
Hello guys,

Since CIC website explicitly mentions [Any RA hours considered "scholarship income" and indicated on a T4A tax slip may not qualify.], should we start tuning down scholarship offers?

Has anyone successfully received PR with this type of scholarship-income RA experience? (Sorry I didn't read through the ~600 pages and the search function does not work well for me)

Where did you get these info? Can you post the link here?


Hero Member
Apr 15, 2013
Visa Office......
NOC Code......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
Doc's Request.
01-11-2012 (Date of PER)
IELTS Request
Enclosed with the application
File Transfer...
01-11-2012 from CIO to CPP-O
Med's Request
23-11-2013 (RPRF requested on 22-11-2013)
Med's Done....
26-11-2013 Med's Received:06-01-2013
Passport Req..
06-01-2014, Decision Made:09-01-2014
Brit_Immigrant said:
This is the jist of my letter:

xxx has worked under my supervision at....UBC. The work was paid on a full-time basis. From his appointment in January 2009, he fulfilled the role of graduate research assistant under my supervision until December 2011 based on 37.5 hours a week. His principal role was a laboratory based research assistant studying ......The total number of hours worked totalled 3900 hours. Also during this period 640 of the hours was spent undertaking paid work as a teaching assistant, assisting on five undergradute courses within the mining department, in which his principal role was marking assignments and running student labs. From jan 2011 to april 2011, he remained as a teaching assistant on two undergraduate courses for a cumulative time of 80 hours.

The total number of hours worked are as follows:
Total working hours of 3980 with a total earnings of xxxxx.

I trust this is sufficient to support Mr.... application. Should you require any further information or clarification of the above, please feel free to contact me directly.

Sincerely xxxxx

This last sentence shows that no common sense is used in the process. How hard is it to give my supervisor a call or email to clarify my role if you are uncertain?

I see no problem in people quoting the noc code word for word if you did those things. I satisfied everyone of the main duties during my employment, but I guess I needed to list them all out. My fault I guess for not doing it. It makes a mockery of the system though, I thought the fact that Canada wanted us here would be a reason to actually think about applications a little more. I am 28, only person in the application, established in Canada, with a guaranteed job in mining engineering and geology (of which they do not have enough people to fill the jobs), waiting for me to get P.R so I can start full time, with two previous degrees, a canadian common law spouse and 9's across the board in English.....and I got rejected over the wording of a letter.

Rant over. This system is bull***

Extremely sorry to hear of your rejection after a long drawn out wait period. What really concerns me though is that VO's are allowed a certain discretion while evaluating any part of an application (for more you can refer to Operation manual). Logically, this would mean that even if we do not have the word perfect lead statement, as long as we have something that relates closely to that, the officer is well within his/her power to apply discretion. Are VO's applying this power on a case by case basis? is the application uniform? these are some obvious loopholes that CIC has to address. They pride themselves on quality service to clients, but most of us get shortchanged here. Is CIC listening??

On the flip side, we can however debate all day as to the meaning of 'closely' here. So as per law, (forgive me, I am no legal expert here) in all probability the grounds for appeal are slim given that you are relying on the officer to use inference and he can as well place the evidentiary burden on you. This is such a convoluted tautology !!.

I guess most of us here will be legal experts by the end of our PR application process at this rate. All I can say is that they have let gone on a super qualified immigrant. All the best in case you choose to appeal or reapply !


Hero Member
Mar 26, 2012
Visa Office......
NOC Code......
4012 and 2142
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
20th June, 2012
Doc's Request.
17th January, 2013
3rd August, 2012
IELTS Request
Sent with application
Luigiovemma said:
Sorry to hear about your rejection. If you read my earlier posts, I was rejected for pretty much the same reason. I also had a long, detailed reference letter from my supervisor, except missing the magic words "assist the professor in research...". For your record, I did appeal (or it's more like an email inquiry). The reply I got was that my letter only indicates I did research for my thesis, but NOT ASSIST my supervisor...Anyways, it's stupid and frustrating, but I'm not sure what else we can do.
I am guessing whoever, has only TA/RA only, VO becomes very meticulous to them and honestly saying I feel they really want to kick them out but they can't because currently they also had to consider TA/RA experience. Thats why may be ASBERATH had a painful landing. So, they always look for some logical excuse to kick us. I might be wrong but what we could conclude after all these misery. This is really mean, rejecting like this way after 13/14 months might break down someone completely. It is only us who knows how stressful time we had spend in last several months. I really don't know if anything happen with me like this what I will do. Good luck to rest of the members and hearty Congratulations!! for Anjuku and JVG, wishing you guys very happy landing.