my husband brought the polıce certıfıcate we need for the applıcatıons but ıs ıs APOSTIILED....does Canad accept a paper lıke this?or he has to take a polıce certıfıcate wıthout thısChage Apostılle?ı thınk Canada does not u know about ıt?
hellotaffy7 said:Can you explain a little more please . You have had over 40 people read this post and you haven't had an answer. You have to get a police clearance certificate from the country you husband lives in. Do not do this until you are ready to send your application. The police certificate can not be more than 3 months only when you submit your application .
exactly.but thıs ıs an extra poınt ı dont know ıf Canada accepts thıs Chage sıgn.ı thınk he should take a new wıthout thıstaffy7 said:ok so you have your police clearance done and you went today and had it notarized by a system that does not charge ( apostille) yes /no
My wife did not put the Apostille on it. She asked if I needed it, I told her I had no idea what that was, and so she didn`t. Our application is in Moscow now, and so far they haven`t contacted her to ask for that or a new police check, so it should be fine without it.ninakap30 said:exactly.but thıs ıs an extra poınt ı dont know ıf Canada accepts thıs Chage sıgn.ı thınk he should take a new wıthout thıs
tanks a lot for ur answers,yes best wıthout apostılleSeronic said:My wife did not put the Apostille on it. She asked if I needed it, I told her I had no idea what that was, and so she didn`t. Our application is in Moscow now, and so far they haven`t contacted her to ask for that or a new police check, so it should be fine without it.