IcedCoffee said:
YOU don't talk about landing procedure. You have taken my words from the context of discussion and now trying to prove you were right. The message you replied to originally was his follow up question.
The original message: "I have the COPR and single entry visa with me. Can I land in Canada, stay for a week and then come back. I am still working in my current job and it will take some time for me to find a job and then quit this job. My wife is in canada and she can bring the card to me once she comes to meet me."
Hi is planning to go to Canada with COPR and immigration visa, complete the landing procedure, stay for some time and go back to whatever country he lives in now. He would not have the PR card by the time of his departure because it takes 2-3 months to get it. His wife will bring him the PR to his country of residence. Or alternatively he can apply for PR travel document if she can't. I don't see any problem here.
I am done arguing. Best of luck.
Congratulations to all who got PPRs! Happy for you guys. And hope for the rain today for the rest of us!
As I wrote you should read more carefully

Landing back to Canada is different from landing procedure, therefore we (or I if you prefer) do not talk about landing procedure. The only thing I obviously didn't understand is where his wife will meet him - as he wrote she is in Canada and she will meet him, I decided that she will meet him on airport. In that situation he wouldn't have either PR card or PR travel document. And this is what I wrote - he can't travel without one of these documents.
Now I saw that jagan303 is expained in detail that he will has the PR card in his hands which is OK.
Last but not least, I don't try to take your words from the contex, neither to prove anything, furthermore all things written here can be read from anyone and anytime. The purpose of this forum is to help each other, not to prove who is the greatest.
Wish you all the best!
Cofca, I ordered mine from visafile. Received after 1 month.