ankanafanka said:
What? This is discrimination. Shahkunalm can write whatever he/she wants and you shouldn't be asking him/her to keep it to congrats only. If you don't like it, it's your problem. And expressing religious bias by calling his/her god a magic sky fairy is just disgraceful (brsmith). Being atheist myself I still respect one's right to believe in whatever he/she wants. You should too.
Ankanafank, I just got annoyed at repeatedly seeing the same line from Shahkunalm (nothing against you dude, just making a point) every time someone got PPR. I found it extremely presumptuous that each person who got their PPR should pray for the others. Not everyone is religious, so asking them to pray for others presumes that everyone is religious, which is most assuredly not the case. I then proceeded to poke fun at the pray hard thing, 'cause that was basically asking to be poked fun at

I then went on to attempt to point out that of those that are religious, they are from a multitude of different religions, so which one are the meant to pray to so that the rest get their PPR? And considering the vastly different belief systems of the members of this forum, maybe we shouldn't be involving religion here, especially seeing as when I pipe up with my religious beliefs, you find it disgraceful (BTW check Urban dictionary as it seems like an apt description to me in the 21st Century). Am I too not entitled to my beliefs? I totally respect everyone's right to believe in whatever he/she wants, that does not mean however that I need to respect what they believe. If I believed that sacrificing virgins pleased the god/s I believed in, would you support me writing "Congratulations and go kill a virgin so the rest of us may get PPR"? You can respect my right to believe that, but that does not mean you have to respect what I believe. But as you said yourself, I can write whatever I like, and if you don't like it, that's your problem. So asking him not to post religious things is not discrimination in my opinion, it's acknowledging the diversity of our different belief systems and basically saying, we're here to discuss immigration so how about we stick to that. Or I can go on about religion at great length if you prefer?