Hello, Debbie_belle!
Debbie_belle said:
Since BG check went into progress, I have literally logged into my account every 30 minutes, hoping for something.
Welcome to the club

Debbie_belle said:
I was super elated, expecting PPR almost immediately, maximum 4 days later...
well today is the 21st.. and I am still waiting...
I can relate to this, I had read about passport requests being made within a few hours (days tops) after BGC moving to "In Progress". As my days without PR kept piling up (3 days, a week, two weeks), I felt sth was wrong: with BGC being in progress for so long, the PR is long overdue! I would wake up in the middle of the night just to see if there were messages I'd missed (
who am I kidding, I still do it). The thing is, while there is definitely a correlation, with BGC marking the last stage, there is no telling when it brings you PPR. There are cases (frequent ones) when BGC remained in progess for months before PR. It's not unheard of to have your application processed for 7+ months, and I suspect it's happening more often. What if our cases are among those? Of course, I hope they aren't, but with CIC you just ne'er know.
So, to sum up, I chose to go back to my pre-BGC state of mind, because BGC doesn't mean squat. In this case the long wait before PR would the the expected outcome, and, should I get it soon, it would make a nice surprise. No point having kittens over it.
You WILL get your PR, probably soon, but not NECESSARILY soon, because BGC doesn't guarantee prompt receival of PR and basically doesn't mean anything.