Since everybody is raging i might join in as well.. My GCMS notes came in, the file hasn't been touched in 5 months except twice, one time for medicals passed the analyst opened the imedical online and updated the EE, the second time an analyst wrote that ready to finalize PNP triage note, criminality returned with no trace 5 minutes after he had submitted the name on the system, however, my criminality is still in progress, hence the BGC shows (we are processing your background check), rather than being NA, i assume no officer opened the damn thing to turn the criminality into passed and initiate eligibility, i am afraid this both bad news and good news for us late January and February folks, it shows that CIC are so short staffed, however it also shows that for an EE file to pass to PPR it might actually need so little if an officer/analyst takes up the case it would be done in no time provided no extended security checks or screening are needed