Hero Member
- May 3, 2016
- 54
- 124
- NOC Code......
- 0632
- Nomination.....
- 09-12-2016
- AOR Received.
- 23-12-2016
- Med's Done....
- 07-03-2017
Well to me, that's PPR...Guys, received email for additional doc request that I HAVE TO SUBMIT NEW FRESH PASSPORT IN ORDER FOR CPC OTTAWA TO MAKE FINAL DECISION. what to do? Contacted embassy and other agencies they dont wann help since i am on implied status waiting for my PR and VISITOR PERMIT. My current passport still valid until nove/2017. Wts wrong with them thts so late? My AOR FEB 5/17. I thought since i am in canada i can finish my landing ASAP. Anyways my 180 days deadline is Augu 2/17 and after tht too i still have 3-4 months left on my passport. Any one faced similar situation? Wt to do.?