listening is the toughest module in IELTS, and also the most rewarding - as there is usually only one correct answer...
Here are some tips which might be useful. I've written IELTS 4 times over the years, 3 times I got 8.5 so i kinda know what I'm talking about...
1 - First try and understand which section in listening you messed up, and why... there are 4 sections - usually section 1 is easiest, 2 is a little difficult, 3 and 4 require utmost concentration. You need to understand and analyse which section you messed up, and more importantly why... it could be as simple as loss in concentration, or trying to remember what the previous answer was while the audio is still going on, sometimes if there is a conversation between 2 people - you forget who is who...
2 - I strongly, strongly recommend that people write down what is being said on the tape in real time and not look for answers while reading the questions... thats a sure shot way to disaster. this trick is useful in 2 places
--> Multiple choice questions - Where each question has 2 answers
--> When conversattion between 2 people is going on
You dont have to write each and every word... just transcripts... like for example if the entire statement is
"I wore a blue tshirt today to work and on the way i ordered a cafe latte and blueberry muffin and filled gas"
I would transcribe - "blue shirt, work, cafe latte, bb muffin, gas on way"
3 - Do not keep replaying the conversation in your head if you missed a question trying to think of an answer while the tape is still running. If you missed 1 question, its OK ... dont try thinking about one question when you can miss the next 5... 1 question vs 5 question : Do the math and see what is more important.
4 - Try and be as calm as you can before the test... sing a song in your head, keep your head down... its extremely easy to become nervous looking at other candidates praying like crazy before the exam lol... just close your eyes, goto your happy place... try and stay as relaxed as possible...
5 - in my case, i observed that first 2-3 sections went well (during practise) and i was relaxing in section 4 - just standard loss of concentration. so during the test i was screaming at myself (not outloud of course lol) after section 3 just to make sure and remind myself not to lose concentration... job is only 3/4th done...
6 - finally - practise as much as you can... and practise tests like an actual test - no pausing, no coffee breaks, no phone messages... do actual mock tests... buy a headset if you want - just replicate proper test conditions.
hope this would be useful ha ha

good luck