Re: Anyone taking test on Oct 21 @ St.Clair?
Suin said:
By some reason they do share files between Scarborough and Mississauga now. My understanding is that Scarborough is overloaded and Mississauga helps with sharing the load.
Congratulations with the test!

What is your timeline?
I must have confused you. My file is supposed to be with St.Clair office. I sent my RQ to St.Clair as well. I just thought somehow St.Clair office isn't scheduling any more tests or oath for a while because some of St.Clair applicants went to Scarborough for their tests and oaths.
My time line is..
applied on Oct 24 2011
CIC received (I got the letter) in late nov 2011
being processed on July 26 2012 amd RQed at the same time.
sent the first batch of RQ in Sept 2012 and CBSA report on Oct 2012.
I was told that my RQ was reviewed in Aug 2013 and was told to wait for the next step. They also told me that my file got transferred to Scarborough.
And just last Tue, I got a test invitation from St.Clair, my home office. It' scheduled to be on Oct 21.