@sparsha :- This not to scare you but just to tell you the truth
well i was scared of writing and never thought i will ever move to thesis option. When I came to uvic i was just another guy who did his undergrad (where i learnt just one thing how to prepare for exam just a night before) and with some experience (where i learned to be patient). I took the course "Big data" in my first term and that changed my view towards studies. The study system here is totally different as, people are way to hungry to learn things rather the scoring grades. I was offered a research project which many people rejected and never wanted to do. I picked that and moved to thesis so I can get funding

. Those were the reason for the change.
The duration of the course is on you. you can complete the course in 3 terms or can take it to as long as you want. So it doesnt matter which option you go for. My suggestion till the time you dont have acceptance from some supervisor then dont mail GRad dept to change your application from industrial to course based. As course based need approval from some supervisor. JFYI most of the senior professors are either going on subaticle leaves or have there labs full so dont risk your admission chances.
Everyones aim is PR but you never know what will change in next 3-4 years. UVIC is a good school and you can choose from 2 options. learning things hard way or just do Masters. if you go through hard way you have to push yourself to excel in course but if you go other way you can just take stupid courses with less work load and pass. many people in india (i thought the same) that I can easily do that as I have experience or I am smart. But technically the study system is different here(atleast for me it was different as i did my engg in 2004-2008).
every course has different outline. there will be weight for assignments, midterms, final exam, projects. For masters you should know 2 things:-
a) You should love coding. If you love one language practice more on that with good programs. If you dont love coding then think again about ur decision. because the undergrads here are smart and you will have good competition from them when you go for co-op interviews or jobs.
b) You should know what you wana do. Your area of interest:- cloud computers/AI/HCI/bla bla . Dont be a chicken head and be everywhere. Read research papers of that area. Do something good with your research because you wont get this opportunity again
Co-op is a good way to learn about Canadian culture and make money

but there is tough competition for that always. Lucky enough that comp science has more options then any other stream. Make contacts when you go for co-ops that's how u get hired at the end. There are no on-campus placements. If you are good then you can get co-op at Microsoft, FB, google too.
I was not nor I dreamt that big because for me stability was major thing and not money. Thats why i rejected a good offer from private firm and accepted a position in victoria with Govt.
Let me know if you have any specific questions I will respond if I login again.
Sparsha said:
Hi sushilsrk,
Thank god you're from UVic.
I wanted to know why did you shift from Industrial option to thesis (only if you're okay answering it

I am planning to take up Course work rather than Industrial, given the fact that industrial option has very low duration. I have already submitted my application with industrial option. I think we can still write a mial to the Grads office to opt for CourseWork. I am aiming for PR and better job prospects there. Can you give us some more insights on UVic. How is the university? How about options beyond graduation and everything? Masters in CS?
I know it takes a lot of your time, but it would be helpful for future students

Thanks in advance...