I have been working as a manager in fastfood restaurant change as a manager.
I have job letter with duties.
Which contains duties of
Manager - 0631
Supervisor - 6311
I applied with 0631 in last october and Ealier this month i got rejected , vo was not satisfied tht i performed lead function and majority of duties
I showed my letter to 3 lawyers and all said letter was ok.
Now i want to re-apply with couple of more duties on letter.
But my question is that can i request VO to assess my duties with 2 NOC ?? 0631 and 6311 to be safe side.
Can VO consider this kind if request?
I have been working as a manager in fastfood restaurant change as a manager.
I have job letter with duties.
Which contains duties of
Manager - 0631
Supervisor - 6311
I applied with 0631 in last october and Ealier this month i got rejected , vo was not satisfied tht i performed lead function and majority of duties
I showed my letter to 3 lawyers and all said letter was ok.
Now i want to re-apply with couple of more duties on letter.
But my question is that can i request VO to assess my duties with 2 NOC ?? 0631 and 6311 to be safe side.
Can VO consider this kind if request?