Anna27 said:
I am still searching for the apartment near UVic. If I won't find anything suitable until July 10, I will apply for UVic housing.
Whats your plan
Hi all,
UVic housing is quite expensive compared to other places that you can rent. If anyone hasn't checked out these renting sites yet, please do explore them here.
Used Victoria:
The other thing to consider as you explore your options is bus transit and utilities/amenities (such as heat, internet, laundry, shopping malls, etc.)
Bus Transit: The distance from where you hope to live to UVic helps you to estimate (using Google maps) how long it will take you to arrive for your classes, go shopping, go for recreational activities, etc.
Compare your findings with these UVic housing fees:
Plan carefully, be smart with your dollars, and don't live in an unhealthy place either.
As you do that, don't forget to register for your winter session courses (Fall & Spring).