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Anybody has any questions for Immigration Minister Jason Kenney?THE ANSWERS!


Champion Member
Jul 26, 2008
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Re: Anybody has any questions for Immigration Minister Jason Kenney?Now you can

Abhishek12 said:
In addition to all, I would like to add below questions from my side..

1. Will this new processing (Under 38 Occupations) time be same across all country or it differ from country to country? esp when few countries have VERY long processing time (upto 5- 7 years).
2. Will Canada temporary stop or hold immigration process some time in end 2009 or Year, 2010? Because of Unemployment and bad market condition.
This I can answer,The processing time should be roughly the same because all applications are Processed in Sydney,N.S regardless of country of origin.Canada WILL NOT HOLD its Immigration in 2009 or 2010 for Immigrants,What is being hit is temporary foriegn workers,Most people dont realize the Political power of the new Canadians,They are about half the population of Toronto,Majority of Vancouver and very large percentages in most cities.ANY party which attempts to restrict Immigration will be punished in the coming elections,ALL PARTIES have taken Pro Immigration positions.If New Canadians are not important,Why are ALL PARTY LEADERS courting New Canadians,Its because they want to win at the polls


Mar 11, 2009
General considerations.

I’d like to express my opinion on selection of questions.
Please understand that I don’t want to influence anyone unilaterally but I’d like to make sure that this chance is used to its maximum capacity and therefore propound the following ideas for your consideration.

Situation 1.
If a general question is asked it is unlikely that you get an informative answer.
Q. Minister, processing time is too long. What are you going to do about it? A. We are doing our best to improve it. Will you be satisfied by the answer? I doubt it.

Situation 2
A lot of question had already been answered by CIC or by the minister personally.
Q 1. is Canada going to follow Australia in cutting the number of immigrant intake for 2009/10?
Read the news: http://watch.ctv.ca/news/power-play/wednesday-feb-11/#clip139058 or http://www.ctv.ca/servlet/ArticleNews/story/CTVNews/20090211/canada_immigration_090211/20090211?hub=TopStories or official press release http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/department/media/releases/2008/2008-11-28.asp. The answer is: Canada will stay the course on immigration in 2009, welcoming between 240,000 and 265,000 new permanent residents. Do you expect the minister to say something different? I will be very surprised if he will.

Q 2. when the 38 noc will be reviewed or changed.
A. on November 7th 2009 at 21:45
Why? Because you won’t like the official response, which is “Instructions can be issued as necessary to remain responsive to the changing labour market. We will continue to monitor economic and labour market needs in collaboration with our partners at HRSDC and our colleagues in the provinces and territories.”
it is very naïve to believe that the Minister is going to disclose such sensitive information to general public beforehand.

Q 3: is CIC going to speed up the process of those pre-Feb 2008 applications?
A. The ministerial instructions and the recent amendments to the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act prevent the backlog from growing further. It took several years for the backlog to build up, and it will take several years to bring it down.
How long will depend on a number of factors, such as the number of applications that are withdrawn, the number that are processed through referrals to provinces and territories, and the number of immigrants we admit every year within the annual immigration levels plan
I don’t think that you admire this answer and frustrated with timing. It is very unlikely that the Minsiter will give a more comforting answer.

I don’t want to be mean but some of us have to make a better research before suggesting such questions.

Situation 3
The most important question which must be presented to the minister is about my specific case, namely when will CIC finally finalize my case. It has the highest priority and all other question should be put aside. Why? Because it’s me! I’ve been waiting for so long and I must know the answer.

My point is only such question should be selected that can potentially yield useful information or result.
The forum community will not benefit from the Minister’s reassurance that everything will become better.
BTW I don’t think that anything will be achieved nevertheless I appreciate BCguy’s efforts and optimism


Hero Member
Feb 23, 2009
Re: Anybody has any questions for Immigration Minister Jason Kenney?Now you can

This I can answer,The processing time should be roughly the same because all applications are Processed in Sydney,N.S regardless of country of origin.Canada WILL NOT HOLD its Immigration in 2009 or 2010 for Immigrants,What is being hit is temporary foriegn workers,Most people dont realize the Political power of the new Canadians,They are about half the population of Toronto,Majority of Vancouver and very large percentages in most cities.ANY party which attempts to restrict Immigration will be punished in the coming elections,ALL PARTIES have taken Pro Immigration positions.If New Canadians are not important,Why are ALL PARTY LEADERS courting New Canadians,Its because they want to win at the polls

Hello BCguy,

Thank you for such information. I agree with you for question2.

I have different opinion for Question1.
For FSW1 - The initial round of application processing from Sydney office. From this office, officer will select only eligible applicants for further processing. This whole process takes maxi 1- 2 months (Depend on postal service, holidays & other factors)..Now my main worry is related to total time taken during the second round of processing. Sydney office will fwd all eligible applications to require/local visa office for next level of processing. Now every one knows that different country has different processing time interval (Under old rule) and few countries have 5- 7 years VERY long processing time.
CIC doesn't mention or explain what would be processing time in local visa office under new rule. Every one is saying, this new process is less time taken and 6- 12 months etc...Due to this reason, I requested to ask this question to minister


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Re: Anybody has any questions for Immigration Minister Jason Kenney?Now you can

I am curious, if there is a time period above which, will you not apply.

For example they say that the New delhi office will take 1 to 2 years, will you not apply? or if they say 3 to 4 years? I am just curious.
Do you have a cutoff time, above which you will not apply, below which you will apply?

I am wondering how many people (I am sure there are many) will make their decision based on the length of time of processing.


Hero Member
Feb 23, 2009
Re: Anybody has any questions for Immigration Minister Jason Kenney?Now you can


This time period is very much important and depend on it, applicants chooses to apply application or not...For example, down the line 5- 7 years, time will change and ppl might change plan to move to other country...1-2 years are acceptable and ppl can wait...In 5- 7 years, lot of things can changes...This is my personal opinion..

just saw this link

It is sad to see that India has long processing time..I was guessing CIC will change their time period under new rule.


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Re: Anybody has any questions for Immigration Minister Jason Kenney?Now you can

sure, there is a big difference between 1-2 and 5-7, but do you have a cutoff point at which you won't apply. if they say minimum time is 4 years, will you still apply. If they say minimum time is 3 years, will you still apply. If you don't have that cutoff time/period, then that question is not really worth it. Remember the periods may vary for visa office to visa office too, so I doubt the minister will know what the Delhi's time might be unless everyone's is brought down to 6-12months, but everyones is not brought down to that level, then he just wouldn't know what is Delhi's timelines may be, for two reasons. 1) its one of many offices, 2) they haven't gone through the whole process with the new process to know how long Delhi will take.

Under the old rules of 5-7 years, a substantial people did still apply. Perhaps many didn't because of the time line but the numbers that did apply were enough to fill the immigration quotas for Canada for a long time.

However, I am more curious if you have a hurdle point, above which you won't apply and below which you will definitely apply.


Hero Member
Feb 23, 2009
Re: Anybody has any questions for Immigration Minister Jason Kenney?Now you can

LOL.....this is a common discussion site, so it would not be a nice idea to share my interest and reason with you and others read..:)

One thing is very clear and this is my understanding that whatever will be time frame on different courty..If visa office doesn't have long LIST of applications(que), they try to processs all application asap for all eligible applicants...Do u agree with me??


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Re: Anybody has any questions for Immigration Minister Jason Kenney?Now you can

oh sorry. you misunderstood me. I am not asking your for the reasons. I am asking whether you have a time hurdle.

Sure, if they don't have a long list of application then they will process quickly, but even with the 5-7 year period, they still got a long list of application. The question is whether adding the ministerial list will reduce that number and sure it will but i can assure you that the minister will not know how much it will reduce in Delhi vs. Beijing and hence what the time period will be in different visa offices (given that they are different).

Well back to my original question, if BCGuy comes back to you and says that Delhi will take at least 3 years for each applicant, will you not apply then. If he says 4 years, will you not apply then. I am just curious if you have a breakeven point above which you will not apply.

Here is an example. if the minister says it will take 5 years, will you still apply. If your answer is yes, then we know you will apply no matter what because at the process shouldn't make it worse than 5 years and in fact it will be better than 5 years because of the Sydney process. So if you will still apply if the minister says 5 years, then this question may not be worth asking. If you will not apply if the minister say 5 years, then the question is worth asking.


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Re: Anybody has any questions for Immigration Minister Jason Kenney?Now you can

I am curious if there is anyone out here who will not apply given the OLD time lines (i.e. 2008 time lines.)
I guess I am curious if there are people apply ONLY because they are okay with 6-12 months and would never apply under the old time lines.


Hero Member
Feb 23, 2009
Re: Anybody has any questions for Immigration Minister Jason Kenney?Now you can

Hello Rupeshhari,

This is really an interesting subject to discuss...Now I am coming to my point.

In New Delhi or any other visa office, where processing time is very high ( > 4-5 years) and If applicant gets chance to go any other country (where visa processing time is less as compared to his citizen country) and get chance to stay there on legal WP for at least one year. then as per my knowledge, applicant should apply his application from that country.....Because none is know what would be situations in near future....In otherworld, Developed Country are making Immigration rule hard day by day. and adding additional filter condition in application procedure... I am talking in general way, not considering specific my case


Full Member
Feb 5, 2009
Re: Anybody has any questions for Immigration Minister Jason Kenney?Now you can

HI, BC.guy
Q NO.1- Why is that doctors are taken on prirority & not given jobs when there is a acute shortage of them ? why not simplify the procedure & take them into main stream as early as possible.Till doctors are settled why not give them some suitable alternate job in the medical profession itself. For
example they canbe allowed to work under a senior.

QNO 2.WHY not reduce the processing times especially in India?what ever may be the reason,is that nothing to impossible ? 7 yrs is a pretty long time in once life,things may change &people may loose interest in immigration.for example we have ample opp0rtunitis in India in medical field.


Mar 11, 2009
Abhishek12's questions

The Minister made a commitment to process post Feb 2008 cases under FSW within 6 to 12 month.
“We expect new federal skilled worker applicants, including those with arranged employment, to receive a decision within six to 12 months compared with up to six years under the old system.”
He specifically implied visa offices with traditionally long processing times.
This is the official ministerial information http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/department/media/releases/2008/2008-11-28.asp
I think it perfectly answers your question.
Processing time on CIC website reflects previous procedure (otherwise 5-6 terms would make no sense)
You might argue that this is not realistic for visa offices, where processing time is very long. It may well be true, but what makes you think that the minister will alter his position publically and commit a political suicide?


Mar 11, 2009
Medical Doctors

You question is rather strange. You imply that when you immigrate to Canada the government is obligated to arrange you employment. This is not the case and will never be. Besides, why only doctors should be “given” jobs? How other professions on the list are different?
I think that such approach is wrong from the very beginning. Applicants must evaluate their employability themselves and take a decision whether they want to go or not. CIC honestly urges that some specialties are regulated and require a license. Conversely, you conclude that the mere fact that you are eligible under FSW category must secure almost automatic employment for you.
BTW doctors (especially general practitioners and family doctors) with eligible training (i.e. certified or licenced in the U.S., UK, Australia, New Zealand, Eire, or South Africa) have no problems finding a job in Canada.
e.g. have a look at Ontario program: http://www.cpso.on.ca/policies/policies/default.aspx?id=2354
This procedure includes exactly what you asked for: work under supervision
FYI: Canada is very generous admitting professionals under FSW for regulated specialties. For instance New Zealand or Australia require that you get a license from appropriate government body (or at least a statement that you are eligible for registration) before you can even claim your NOC on your immigration application.

My comment to your second question is the same I gave Abhishek12

Hopeful Canadian

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Re: Anybody has any questions for Immigration Minister Jason Kenney?Now you can

Hi BC Guy and all other Respected Fellows of the Forum:

I am not prejudiced but there is a BITTER QUESTION I wolud Like BC Guy to ask Mr. Kenney - " Why the Officer / Officers in the Canadian Embassy in Pakistan are that much Prejudiced."

They have a Refusal stamp in thier hands and are stamping everybody's Passport from Pakistan. I must Quote the Eminant Pakistani writer and philosopher Mr. Hameed Akhtar who is around 85+ yrs of age and has visited Canada 2-3 times before. He also has travelled To USA 7 times, UK 6/7 times, USSR 10 times, AFGHANISTAN 10 times, INDIA 10 times, MANY EUROPEAN COUNTRIES for multiple times AND HE ALWAYS RETURNED BACK TO HIS COUNTRY. But he was refused saying that " He would not return to his Country ". This is worth mentioning that the current fee He paid is Pak. Rs. 10,000.00.

How can Young Pakistanis ecpect a Just thought on the part of the deciding officers. Additionally I have also seen written in this forum somewhere that a Particular Chinese Canadian Officer whose own English speaking is compromised is refusing the students and the visitors ruthlessly by merely giving them a paper containing " the same old s hit every day ".

Would Mr. Kenny Like to talk about this Injustice to the Pakistani people. Will any of you have the courage to say that Yes this has been happening for a while and I condemn it.

Waiting for your RIGHT AND PROPER answer.

Always Hopeful

Hopeful Canadian


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Re: Anybody has any questions for Immigration Minister Jason Kenney?Now you can

hopeful canadian,

MPs from other countries have been denied. MPs who have traveled to US, UK, etc but were not given visa to Canada. I agree, their visa requirement is confusing.