ISM is a pretty intense course which requires alot by which i mean alot of dedication ,
my frnd is already doing it and has classes for almost 6-7 hrs a day every day , so in case you are not planning to work part time , it is a great course , but if you want to work i advise take the course for the next yr (if planning to study for 2 yr's ).
you can go to the college and change the course if you want .i have switched to sst1
my frnd is already doing it and has classes for almost 6-7 hrs a day every day , so in case you are not planning to work part time , it is a great course , but if you want to work i advise take the course for the next yr (if planning to study for 2 yr's ).
you can go to the college and change the course if you want .i have switched to sst1