So Kenney was aiming to have something in place by early June, eh? We were totally hosed by that early June prediction and Kenney's, "few weeks, not months" prediction. I really don't know what to believe now. Just a few days (not weeks) ago, they said that changes will be ready in a few weeks. So if I understand correctly, the moratorium is always just a few weeks away from being lifted, no matter how much time has passed already.
With this moratorium having lasted 6 weeks already, I can now confidently say that Kenney and his associates are dragging their feet on the issue of lifting this moratorium. Not only that, but they're constantly lying to us by giving us false expectations for the date when they'll lift the moratorium. I for one, have had enough of their lies, foot-dragging and their complete disregard for the people on whom they unleashed all this turmoil by imposing this moratorium.