Please note the dates carefully. I have contradictions in my experience certificates. Can you help me?
- 1/1/2012 till 1/1/2013 did my military service as a hospital pharmacist
- 1/1/2013 till 1/1/2014 worked as a pharmacist in ministry of health(MOH), knowing that I got accepted in MOH in 15/4/2012 (in the middle of my military service period of time).
- 1/1/2012 till 1/12013 worked as hosp. pharmacist( provided by military of Egypt).
- 15/4/2012 till 1/1/2014 worked as a pharmacist in MOH (provided by MOH); the MOH added the experience of my military service to its experience in the certificate, starting the from the day of my acceptance, according to the Egyptian law. However, this is not mentioned in the certificate.
my experience certificate only states: This is to certify that Mr.Mostafa worked as a pharmacist in MOH from 15/4/2012 till 1/1/2014 with the following job duties , esc..
knowing that my social security insurance also starts from 15/4/2012,
do you think if I mentioned the reason of the contradiction of these periods of times in my explanation letter. will it be convincing to the immigration officer?
when I open my express entry profile, which dates should I use? the real ones or the ones that are mentioned on official documents knowing that they are contradicted?