you are right coz even i have been checking various threads on forums and no where ... believe me no where did i find any appkicants going through abu dhabi except for the handful of us who have been in touch with each other here ...... so i think you are right about not many applications going thru abu dhabi like previous years..... also the reason could be that in UAE .. most people are expats who have an option of applying thru their home country if the process time is faster ... like indians.. where ND processing apps very fast .... and so must be the case with other countries too..... like beijing..... so i think ... its just us.. the few of us whose apps are here.... and from what i see in almost all cases.... after AOR... and additional docs requested... in about 1-2-3 months... people have recd PPR.... hope we also get our PPR fast .... that would sure be the best thing to happen to us.....
Also from the posts i have read, as soon as the file reaches the visa office, they send it off for back ground checks..... and if the BC is from 1-2 countries, specially from countries like india, hte process is fast ... coz if you see hte process time of india, its very less .. that means the BC is carried out fast in india.... and hten the UAE BC will sure be fast for UAE residents of over 2-3 yrs......
just trying ways and means of arriving at the conclusion of we getting our visas fast......
however dont know of those appications where BC has to be done from other countries...specially kuwait... coz from what i read on some threads that kuwait is very slow in response .... and most applications that were pending since long... we having kuwait as the common thread...
so i think those applicants who dont have anything to do with kuwait... and are in UAe for 3+ yrs.... and have only 1 other country's BC to be looked into ... and if that other country is a fast processing country like india, then chances of getting all the procedure done fast are high.....
well... that sure makes one feel better.....

looking forward to getting hte PPR for abu, zeeshee and self..... fast... we 3 are the only active cases of abu dhabi visa office....
no one else is seen around at least..... so lets all keep our fingers crossed and all the best !!!!