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any idae about nursing job oppotunities for new comers to Toronto


Full Member
Apr 8, 2011
Hello there. I am a nurse professionally with several years experience in Middleast and have a Canadian nursing registration but NO canadian work experience!!! any one knows how is my chance to find a job in a few weeks??


Champion Member
Nov 10, 2010
Job Offer........
In Hindi--->Jero
In American---> Donut
In Urdu---> Anda
In Bangali --->Rosho Golla
In Chinese English ---> Geelo

Bottom line, try to look for volunteer jobs, even if you work at mcdonalds you have canadian experience. Start with that and then build your experience


Hero Member
Jul 30, 2009
Nkk said:
Hello there. I am a nurse professionally with several years experience in Middleast and have a Canadian nursing registration but NO canadian work experience!!! any one knows how is my chance to find a job in a few weeks??
i would suggest first, brush up on yr written and spoken English to make yrself marketable in the Canadian mkt and also volunteer yr services for free then talk about acquiring some Canadian experience!


Star Member
Jan 28, 2010
Job Offer........

I am also a nurse. Yes, you will be able to get a job so far you are registered to practice with the college of nurses. Once you are registered to practice, apply for agency jobs. So, as opposed to what others say, my answer is the chances of you getting a job in nursing (so far you are registered) even without canadian experience LOTS, LOTS. The chances of you getting a full time job in a hospital as a nurse without canadian experience, very small.

So, you will be able to work part time for multiple agencies as a nurse (to make a combined total of full time work) in Canada. Note that the key word and most important thing there is that you must be registered. If you are not registered to practice, your chance is absolutely zero (and even worst if there is such thing worst than zero). But once you go through the huddle of getting registered, it is pretty good.

Call this agencies: NHI, Saint Elizabeth, Bayshore, Paramed. and also get check the phone book for nursing agencies, call them up. They will pay you something starting from 35 dollars. I suggest to you that if you are a RN, you may want to work as a RPN for your first couple of shifts, that way, you have a RN to supervise you and give you some level of direction as you will need it since you know too little about the system in Canada. NHI offers orientation but it is unpaid and I am sure saint elizabeth will do the same. You will need a good orientation.

Hope this helps, nursing is not like other professions, in nursing the key is to get registered. Once you are reigstered there is a job, the only thing is that you may not have that much of a choice with location or speciality as other canadian educated nurses
Hope this helps


Full Member
Apr 8, 2011
Hello RN ,
Thanks a lot, It helps . I was so worried and wondered if it is a good idea to quit my stable, almost well paid job as a Cathlab and CCU RN in Qatar(Persian Gulf )for over 10 years to move to Toronto.
I would like to know if CCU or ACLS certificates from other countries such Qatar are recognized by hospitals in Toronto? if not ,are such courses available on monthly base in Toronto?Dose recommendation and refrence letters from my current employer will help?
I saw in many job offer requirements , having ACLS or physical assessment or IV certificates ? how long and how much does it cost?
and I'm thinking about renting a flat very near subway along Young street ?! is it better to relocate in downtown
for someone in my situation?I have been in Toronto twice for a few days .
I am trying to orient and prepare myself as much as possible before moving to Canada.Also I look forward to enroll a master degree program in nursing in a reputed university , I have BS in nursing from a university in Iran and I passes the CGFNS and NCLEX and CRNE .I wonder if I get the eligible to enroll.
I appreciate your advice.
Thanks for your timeand have a good day


Star Member
Jan 28, 2010
Job Offer........

If you are sure you are already a registered nurse by the college of nurses of ontario, I suggest you look for a job before coming to Canada. ICU nurses are very much in demand. I am not sure if your qualification from Qatar will be accepted. However, I know there are some canadian institution e.g. sick kids hospital and the university of calgary that has educational programs in Qatar, if the course you took were by Canaian institutions in Qatar, then it will most likely be accepted. If it is not, then I suggest you first look for a job before you migrate to Ontario. Go to this site http://www.oha.com/AboutUs/HospitalLocator/Pages/Maps.aspx?Region=Region3 look for the employment site of each hospital and apply for a job with them. After two weeks, let me know if you get any response

You need to make sure your resume and cover letter is in the canadian format.

Yes, reference letters will help you in getting a job in toronto. Before you leave, get the email address and phone number of your managers so that managers here can contact them for references.

ACLS certificates in toronto are over 2 days. Look at the website for michener institute. If the ACLS is by a american or canaian association, e.g. the american heart association, then it will most likely be recognized. The price for acls is around 350-400 bucks.

I think you may want to take a ICU course rather than a CCU course. But this is your choice. Both courses are held over one semester, 4 months. At George Brown College, Centennial College, Humber College, Seneca College. If you are lucky and get a hospital to hire you, they will pay you to take this courses, as well as pay your tuition, but you will normally sign a 2 year agreement to work for them.

IV Certificate is easy. You can check this 4 schools I described, or check CJ Healthcare Career College, its a 1 day course and it cost around 100 dollars. Physical assessment course, I am not sure, but I think that will take one semester, going to class once a week 3 hours per week (but again I am not sure) and will cost around 600 to 800 bucks. Check the 4 colleges I described earlier or the CARE centre for nurses. The courses at the care centre are directed specifically at internationally educated nurses, check their orientation courses too.

About renting, it all depends on your choice. But you should also know that apartments near younge street are not cheap and the closer to downtown you are the more expensive it gets. If you get a job, prior to moving to toronto, then this may be a good idea. But if you dont get a job prior to moving to toronto you may want to consider cheaper alternatives. But again, this is your choice, but if I were in the same position that you are, I would get something cheaper and after a year, I can locate to somewhere better. For example, a 1 bedroom apartment around university and college, that is not even a condo can be around 1,500 while you can get a one bedroom in a decent area outside downtwon for 950 dollars.

If you have 1) become registered with the college of nurses of ontario as a registered nurse 2)you have a degree like you do, that is equivalent to canaidna 3) you have an average of at least 75% and preferably above 80%, especially in your last 2 years. If you meet this requirement, you can apply for masters degree. There are 3 universities in toronto that you can apply for masters degree in nursing, university of toronto, ryerson university and york university. It is too late to apply now. Plan on applying in Dec 2011 to Feb 2012 to begin in september 2012.

Please note that everything I say depends on you being registered with the college of nurses of ontario. If you are not, the story is very different. That is a huge hurdle

Hope this helps and keep me updated on your progress.


Full Member
Apr 8, 2011
Hello RN,
Thanks again, very helpful. Yes , that's right . 4 of my colleagues are graduated from Calgary university in Qatar.The hospital which I work in Qatar is a JCI accredited hospital and many courses like ACLS or some in service training are mandatory and for free ! in an international training center which is running by hospital .
I got the CNO registration in Jan 2011 .I wrote the CRNE once and I found it very different than American or Iranian exam board questions.
As I understood the chance of getting a job while I am not in canada is very low. it is a real nightmare for me being jobless after many years work eperience in ICUs and Cathlab. How can I apply while I am sill overseas?
You mentioned about teaching hospitals and scholarship for those who work there ! what are the requirements to get in such hospitals?
I updated my resume and cover letter and ..I don't know if it is too much to ask you to have very quick look at it to see if it is according to canadaian format ? :-[
Yes , a good idea, To live in some less expensive neighborhood for a while . where are those neighbourhood?
Thanks again RN .it is very kind of you.


Star Member
Jan 28, 2010
Job Offer........

About housing, someone else may be able to help you with that question, especially if you post in the housing forum. Go to this site to search for housing www.viewit.ca 1 bedroom between 850 to 1000 will be pretty reasonable.

Well, for ACLS, you will still need an update as I think here you need to update every 2 years. So, contact Michener institute to see if you can take the update course rather than the full course.

Good for you for becoming registered by CNO.

Nursing is not like other profession. It may be possible for you to get a job. Are you really fixed in toronto or you are mobile. I can connect you to an agency if you inbox me. As a nurse, you will get a job and you should be able to get a job even from outside canada (once you have your CNO) what I dont know is if you will get a full time job or you will get a job at a teaching hospital (that may be more difficult).

Yes, you can send me your resume and also draft a cover letter, if you inbox me, I can send you my email. I can look it over. Please before you send it, look at different resume and CV online and make sure yours in the correct format. I dont have too much time to spend on it so I will appreciate if you have the bulk of the work done, if not, I wont have time. Once this is done, go to the Ontario Hospital Association site and check for hospitals that are currently hiring. This will take time as there are many hospitals in Toronto. Apply for job at each hospital. Again this will take time. You may also want to consider working outside Ontario, you may find it easier to get a job in places outside ontario. If you are interested in working in aboriginal reserves email here rn-ia@hc-sc.gc.ca They are always really really looking for nurses on aboriginal reserves and the pay is the very best. Also look at www.workopolis.com or www.jobbank.gc.ca for nursing jobs.

Well, I am not sure if you need to focus on teaching hospitals. It is not only teaching hospital that will pay for you to go to school, many other hospitals do that. What I am saying is that I dont think you should limit yourself to teaching hospital at this point, you need a job and thats it, Dont be Picky or else you will get in trouble and never find a job. If you are interested in teaching hospitals, look at St. Micheals Hospital (they also have good financial support to go back to school), sunnybrook hospital, toronto general hospital, mount sinai hospital (you must have a bachelors degree to work there), toronto western hospital, princess margareth hospital (only cancer patients), and sick kids hospital (only children).

Another thing, you may want to be familiear with the canadian health cae system as I am sure managers will assess for this when you go through the interview, especially your knowledge or position on ethics and leadership and if it is consistent with Canadians philosophy. As you have said, Canadian exam is different from american exam has we focus more on professionalism, ethics and leadership while american focus on pathophysiology. If you passed the exam really well then it will be easy for you to go through the interview but if not, you want to read it over (canadian leadership and ethics textbooks) and become familiear. Also, they may ask you clinical questions, which I am sure you know already and will not have a problem with. So forleadership question, be prepare to answer thies questions: How do you deal with conflict, tell me about how you have demonstrated leadership in a nursing team, e.tc

Hope this helps and good luck to you.


Hero Member
Sep 11, 2010
Visa Office......
NOC Code......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
november 2009 to NS, may 2010 to VO
Doc's Request.
february 2010
AOR Received.
february 16, 2010; may 26, 2010
IELTS Request
copy submitted to CIO with initial app
File Transfer...
february 2010
Med's Request
august 2010
Med's Done....
august 18-19, 2010- med done: august 23- sent
Passport Req..
september 22-received; october 1-sent; october 27- DM
visa received nov 11, 2010
June 02, 2011 thank you God...
thanks so much RN for patiently answering queries on this thread. ;D i'll be sending you a message once i receive my assessment results from CNO. please keep posting! :D :D :D


Full Member
Nov 23, 2011
I was reading the posts here,


I'm a registered nurse from philippines and I'm struggling on how to apply for CRNE even if I'm staying here in phil. I don't know where to start, what to do and all the requirements needed. I'm planning to take the june 2012 examination. PLEASE can someone tell me their personal experience on how they applied for this or anyone who really knows or know someone that processed this as well. THANKYOU. I'm looking forward for replies, really need this. THANKYOU!

I'm also confused on CNO or CRNM etc, if i would take CRNE, should i take those also. I don't really know how's the process that's why i really need help. PLEASE, your replies are much appreciated..


Full Member
Nov 23, 2011
I was reading the posts here,


I'm a registered nurse from philippines and I'm struggling on how to apply for CRNE even if I'm staying here in phil. I don't know where to start, what to do and all the requirements needed. I'm planning to take the june 2012 examination. PLEASE can someone tell me their personal experience on how they applied for this or anyone who really knows or know someone that processed this as well. THANKYOU. I'm looking forward for replies, really need this. THANKYOU!

I'm also confused on CNO or CRNM, if i would take CRNE, should i take those also. I don't really know how's the process that's why i really need help. PLEASE, your replies are much appreciated..