Official Data:
April 2015 - December 2015: 81,716 (9076/mo)
April 2015 - March 2016: 100,168 (8347/mo)
January 2016 - March 2016: 18,452 (6150/mo)
April 2016 - December 2016: 75,302 (8366/mo)
April 2015 - December 2015: 201,284 (22,364/mo)
April 2015 - March 2016: 251,563 (20,963/mo)
January 2016 - March 2016: 50,279 (16,759/mo)
April 2016 - December 2016: 85,463 (9,495/mo)
Approval Rate: 93% (means 7% are rejected)
31 December 2015: 80,667
31 December 2016: 59,263
Intake was dropped after June 2015 then increased after June 2016 due to C-24 3/4 to 4/6 change.
output was surged 2015-2016 due to C-24 simplified approval procedure change.
Right now it appears intake and output are balanced (8000-9000/mo) so the inventory could remain the same level of 60,000. Then the end-to-end time is about 7 months.