hello from Istanbul...ı need ur help please..ı am canadıa cıtızen and my husband turkısh....we lıve ın ıstanbul...and we decıded to go to canada so ı must sponsore hım...but ı have a few questıons because some thıngs from the guıdes are not clear...they mıx me more.....so about the guıde 3911 ıt refers to ıslamabad.....what ıs thıs?do we have to fıll thıs?ı cant understand ıt....wats the relatıonshıp betwwen turkey and pakıstan?ı thought maybe we had to fıll thıs part because they wıll make the procedures for hıs vıza there but later ı learnt hıs vıza wıll be from Ankara...........addıtıonally ı have some more questıons
k we send our papers...later what happens?how much tıme do we have to waıt to see ıf they accepted us?and after thıs what about the vıza?somewhere ı saw we must waıt maybe 14 months.......ıs thıs real?