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"Allowed to leave Canada" misrepresentation?


Jul 26, 2017
I applied for Express Entry. After review of my application, I received the following "Procedural Fairness" message:

I have concerns regarding your answers to the statutory questions in the Schedule A form (IMM 5669). I note that you have answered "No" to questions D and E, when asked about any previous refusal of admission to Canada or any other country.
o However, as per our records and your letter of explanation, you were refused admission to Canada on September 19th and 20th of 2017 (N000292*** and N000293***)
 As per the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act section 16(1); "A person who makes an application must answer truthfully all questions put to them for the purpose of the examination and must produce a visa and all relevant evidence and documents that the officer reasonably requires".
 See: http://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/PDF/I-2.5.pdf
On those days, I tried entering Canada. The officer who spoke to me said that, he didn't want to ruin my future chances of coming into Canada, so he allowed me to voluntarily withdraw my intent to enter Canada; and if I continued trying to come in, then I ran the risk of the next officer going through some process that would actually deny me entry into Canada. For this reason, when I was filling out the forms that asked whether I have been refused admission into Canada, I put "No"-- since I thought the withdrawal was voluntary. So after receiving that message and reading online information, now I see I was wrong.

What should I do now? I assume that although the word "misrepresentation" has not been stated anywhere in their letters yet, misrepresentation is what they will convict me of, should I withdraw my application at this point. After searching online, I also found that on P. 38 of the following document:
it states that my situation would NOT generally constitute misrepresentation; however, I am not sure how I should explain this in my letter of explanation. Should I mention the above PDF document?


Hero Member
Nov 2, 2016
Withdawing your application is not going to change anything at this point. Your best action now is to explain the the circumstances and be truthful about all details and hope that you will not be banned from Canada on the grounds of misrepresentation. Good luck!


Jul 26, 2017
Should I mention the quoted PDF above, which says that it will NOT constitute misrepresentation
if the applicant did not believe entry into Canada had been denied because the option of withdrawal or "Allowed to Leave" was offered and exercised, and the applicant, in the officer's opinion, is credible

Or, should I leave it to them to come to that conclusion?