My ADR was in Calgary on March 18th, 2015. The first question they asked me was about myself. They asked me when did I come to Canada. They asked where I work and live.
They also asked about the details of my relationship. How is started, and how it progressed. Then they asked me if I has any joint accounts with my wife. They asked if I had met my wife's brother and her parents. They asked where my wife was living currently, how much money I send her.
They also looked at my communication with my wife (emails and whatsapp chats) and asked why I was not romantic in those conversations.

And after the caucus (they tell you and your lawyer to leave the room and discuss the case among themselves) they told me they cannot proceed with a resolution and will have to interview my wife.
I hope that helps.
All the best !!
Thanku so much for this information. I really appreciate.