Thanks everyone! We can finally start our life together soon.
The ADR Officer and Minister's council were both very nice, listened, and it was obvious they had actually reviewed our file. We basically went through a timeline of our relationship, so she was asking questions about this. Nothing tricky or anything, just very straightforward. Basically, it was the total opposite from what my husband experienced in India in many ways.
They said the file is sent back to Ottawa, so they will send a letter confirming the ADR result of in 3-4 weeks, and then onward for final processing. I really, really hope it stays in Ottawa because Delhi will be much slower... ??? Hi harryiswaiting

Thankyou for this post. It makes me feel more at ease XO Where was your ADR held and how long did it last in total? :

Again thankyou for your post XO :-*
@ Hilsten- Which IRB office dealt with your ADR? Maybe you should contact them to see what's going on. Their contact info should be on their website.