Haider24 said:
It will take time approximately 18 month. I filed an appeal in 2013 and got a full hearing in 2015. What I suggest you keep calling Canada appeal board for an early date, you might have to send them a letter for an early appeal. And make sure you have a good lawyer for this.
Thx but how do I call Canada appeal board? I have a lawyer and my appeal will be in Toronto
usually lawyer dont a give a damn about your time. its up to you, how soon you want your hearing to be done . if its in Toronto it would be &4 Victoria street office, make sure you provide them as many documents as you can, my package was about 800 pages when i sent there and tell your lawyer to be in contact with the counselor. anyways that's pretty far, first you have to get a full hearing, call them again and again to get an early date. i dont know where is your appeal went but for the Toronto office contact number is listed below
Central Region
74 Victoria Street
Suite 400
Toronto, Ontario
M5C 3C7
Telephone: 416-954-1000
Telephone: 1-866-790-0581 (RAD)
Fax: 416-954-1165 (RPD, IAD)
Fax: 416-954-1511 (RAD)