demme343 said:
I donot have any entention to visit to see canada. as i am bussines man and i am always on trip some where like europe china turkey etc .i applied to attend my nephew engagment ceremony good luck to you if you want to see canada only for visit woth out personal reasons ahahah
I have been there last years only for 3 days .
could not find too much time but now want to stay 2 week via USA and EUROP ,
You are businessman 4 to 5 thousand is nothing for a businessman.
I tell you real story of mine , when I was in Swaziland,one of my cousine called me to let's go to Mozambique ( Neighbour Country ) to eat
fish and it was Sunday and embassy was closed. i did suggust him , we should go some other days after getting 6 month multiple visa which will cost us 90 USD for 3 person from embassy, not from border 300 dolar for 3 person single entry and but he said we would go to Mozambique today .300 USD visa fees including Bribe on border , 100 USD for petrol and 100 USD for fish total 500 to just eat 3 to 4 kg fish ....

Keep it up one day you will get In sha allha .