Bhai, What you are asking should not be familiar to any of our forum mates, as none of us have browsed or explored or know much about the new system.Mistaken_Identity said:Hello everyone
I'm a bit confused about the Areas of Training Part of the Quebec Skilled Worker application. According to the Intake of applications page
There are 2 pdf links. One for you to get 6 pts and one for you to get 12 or 16 pts.
I have BSc in Engineering ( Electronics and Telecommunications) and MBA from Bangladesh.
According to the 1st link (i.e. to get 6 pts) it falls under the degree obtained in quebec or equivalent part.
In the quebec degree equivalency sheet and going to the Bangladesh page from there
I find BSc in Engineering is listed there. So is it equivalent to the quebec degree and am I eligible for those 6 pts?
Please help. I want to apply for QSW and have intermediate French skills as well. ( Passed A2 with 6 pts). Deadline is approaching 31st July.
I wanted to post all the links but I was not allowed to.
(Especially when you are referring to Quebec provincial nominee). Our applications were done between 2009-2011. If you have any queries regarding the
previous systems, we are comfortable, and will be happy to share. I think you are to explore other forums where, they are new applicants only.
Cheers and maley bari................................. ;D