..........off course, shathe shathe MR pathay dibeColors said:Sort of....
@ PQR : Bhai ata ki CSI te Dibo ?![]()
..........off course, shathe shathe MR pathay dibeColors said:Sort of....
@ PQR : Bhai ata ki CSI te Dibo ?![]()
yep....smiling_face said:There should be a clear guideline how to send the PP. No worry!!!![]()
I think it's (SVO) running just like a Turtle speed which is mounting intense PSYCOLOGICAL pressure to the BD applicants who are waiting for long time with RBVO....rana22april said:NDVO alone have mount high applicants inventory compared to other VOs.... Indians and philipinos are the highest supply side of canadian immigrants...so when ever MR rainfall starts over there....its always MR flood !
AMEEN!!Colors said:Alhamdulillah ...may Allah allow us to avail this opportunity...
Congratulations brother, pray for us having the same stage from RBVO.smiling_face said:
Dear Farha05,
CONGRATULATIONS!!! May Allah bless you and make your remaining steps smoother....and of course wishing a sound start in Canada.
ALL the best!!!
NO NEWS...........Colors said:Falu & sohel4math BHAI any news?
Please update us...
Farha05 said:Hello Forum Friends,
Alhamdulillah , By the blessings of Great Allah I have got the Visa. Though I have been a silent member of the forum , all members were in my prayers. I especially remember Deba Avik may Almighty bless him. Those I really admire Qorax, Smiling face, Dr. Hasib, Teaspoon, Ruparupa ,PQR, Hauquqebd, RZ, Mun ,Colors, Sohel 4math and others thanx for ur spontaneous support for the forum. My timeline is given below.
I plan to land Canada by 2nd week of Feb'2013 Inshallah. Please pray for me and my family. Today hopefully i'll join the meeting arranged by Dr. Hasib n others. My prayers n good wishes for those who are waiting for MR,PPR n Visa. My consultant informed me that Canada IMO will release all MR, PPR n visa very soon. Wish all of u a happy n prosperous life.
Passport started processing on: 02/10/2012 Singapore
Passport released by the High Commission of Canada, Singapore on: 30/10/2012
Got passport n Visa: 03/11/2012 : VFO, Bangladesh
ECAS Status: A decision has been made.
Dear Ashikmurshed bhai,ashikmurshed said:আমি আমার সবচেয়ে গুরুত্বপূর্ণ প্রশ্নের জবাব এই ফোরাম থেকে পাইনি।
৩ জনের জন্য ১৭,০১১.০০ কানাডিয়ান ডলার নিতে হবে .. কীভাবে নেব?
প্রতি পাসপোর্টে ৫০০০ ডলার লিমিট? যার মধ্যে ২০০০ ডলার ক্যাশ আর বাকিটা ক্রেডিট কার্ড-এ নিতে হবে। এটা ব্যাংক এশিয়া এবং ইষ্টার্ণ ব্যাংকের ভাষ্য। আমি নিজে এদের সাথে কথা বলেছি। এবং আমার ছেলের বয়স মাত্র ৭ বছর.. সুতরাং তার পাসপোর্টে এনডোর্স হবে না।
তাহলে মাত্র ৪০০০ ডলার ক্যাশ আর ৬০০০ ডলার ক্রেডিট কার্ডে .. মোট ১০০০০ ডলার নিতে পারব। কিন্তু ক্রেডিট কার্ড ইমিগ্রেশনে গ্রহণযোগ্য হবে কিনা?
বাকি ৮০০০ ডলার কীভাবে নেব?!
আমি ডেস্কটপ নেব কী নেব না, বা মিউজিয়ামে দান করব কীনা, এর চেয়ে বোধহয় এই আলোচনা সবার বেশি উপকারে আসত।
তারপরেও সবাইকে ধন্যবাদ।
ShamimBD said:Hello All,
By the grace of Allah, I received our Passports back with visa stamped on it.![]()
This forum helped me a lot after filing my initial application on February, 2010. Thanks to all members of this helpful forum.
I sent our passports through FedEx. I also included a prepaid returned FedEx envelope with the package.
Here is the timeline:
I sent passports through FedEx from USA: 23rd October, 2012
Passports delivered to SGVO: 29th October, 2012
Visa stamped on Passports: 5th November, 2012
FedEx envelope released from SGVO: 7th November, 2012
I received Passports with Visa stamped: 8th November, 2012
But still my ecas status : In Process (no medical result received status too)
It seems that SGVO issued visa within one week of receiving our passports. I was so worried about my passports because if it would lost, I would be in great trouble as US visa is stamped on it. Thanks Allah that everything happened positively.
Thanks again to every forum members.
With Regards,
Insha Allah!Uttara11 said:Congratulations brother, pray for us having the same stage from RBVO.
Along Came Angel said:Hello there,
I have just came to know about this Forum and just joined. I have applied for FSW and have received request for Medical test. I have some questions. It would be very helpful if you could give me some information. Me and my husband we'll be going to have the medical test tomorrow in baridhara, Dr. Abdul M Wahab. Do you have any suggestion for us before we go for the medical test. We'll be taking our passport, 4 Passport size photos and the medical forms. Will they fill up the form and give it back to us or they'll be sending the forms directly. What should we do then? We need to wait for 2 more weeks. right? Please help me with your suggestions. Thank you.