Got reply of latest CSE from SGVO, nothing new as expected----

if anyone interested here is the mail-
Thank you for your enquiry to the Immigration Section of the High Commission of Canada in Singapore.
This is in response to your request for an update on the status of your application. We do our best to make sure everyone who has applied to immigrate to or visit Canada is provided with effective and efficient service. We receive an enormous amount of correspondence daily. Although we would like to respond to all of it, we recognize that it takes resources away from processing applications, which leads to longer processing times. As a result, we do not provide detailed replies to applicants requesting a status update on their application.
Applicants for permanent residence may check the basic status of their application on the Citizenship & Immigration Canada (CIC) website: Client Application Status:
Applicants can also check the Processing Times page on our website for information about how long it takes for applications in the same category to be finalized:
Please note that repeated status enquiries can contribute to delays in the processing of your file as the officer has to take time away from processing in order to respond to the request.
We hope this information will be of assistance.
Immigration Section | Section d'immigration
High Commission of Canada
Singapore | Singapour
Facsimile | Télécopieur : (65) 6854-5874
E-mail Address | Adresse courriel : Singapore-im-enquiry @
Website | Site Web : |
Street Address | Adresse de rue: One George Street, #11-01, Singapore 049145
Mailing Address | Adresse d'expédition : P.O. Box 845, Robinson Road, Singapore 901645