Canada Spousal Immigration Processing time up to 3 Years!!!
As I understand some of applicant who is single and there is no any foreign travel history that applicant’s file processing is faster than who has opposite information in their application.
BUT can you imagine of those who is waiting for and what a frustration on Spousal Immigration Processing Times.
Canada Spousal Immigration Processing time is 25 months or more, in some cases such as London, Los Angeles, Mexico or Pakistan up to three years, it is worse than USA processing time.
If an applicant provides a marriage certificate from a credible source, there is no reason why that foreign spouse should be delayed in entering either the USA or Canada. Such a spouse should be approved quickly – certainly no longer than necessary to do a police check and medical clearance. Later, according to rules already in place in both countries dealing with recently married couples, they should have to satisfy immigration officials that they have lived together in a genuine marriage for at least two years. This would then remove any conditions on their permanent status. If the couple flunks this test and the marriage proves to be bogus, then the foreign spouse would be deported.
The current system of delays does nothing to help married couples or the country they wish to live in. Get these applications approved, get people working and paying taxes, and let people get on with their lives….
We are lucky that we have included our spouse and have dependents..