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Now what about the others who are Not Married. How they will take the rest of the settlement funds to Canada if the limit is 7,000 USD per person?

zstream said:
I was checking a memo from Eastern Bank that came with my credit card bill, that had the title "passport Endorsement for the year 2015".

This document mentioned that for an individual annual travel quote is USD 7000 for Non-SAARC country and USD 5000 for SAARC countries.

So, if any of you traveling with Spouse then you can carry $7000 x 2 = $14000 as USD.

And $14000 USD = 16482.2 CAD. Which is over the required proof of fund for two person.

So Problem solved. ( at least for married couples ;) ;) ;) ;))


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piklu99 said:
I have already emailed you from piklu2002bd @ yahoo .com; pls check; the body of the circular is like below:

****** 02. It has been decided to enhance this global private travel entitlement to US$ 12,000
per adult passenger during a calendar year, with upto US$ 5,000 or equivalent for travel to
SAARC member countries and Myanmar and upto US$ 7,000 or equivalent for travel to other
countries. As before, for minors (below 12 years in age) the applicable quota will be half the
amount admissible for adults. However, foreign exchange in the form of cash must not exceed
US $3000 per person per trip.
03. Other instructions regarding release of foreign exchange for travel abroad will remain
. ***********************
Thank you brother. +1. The below is the uploaded image:



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23/12/2104<br/>Passport Sent: 29/12/2014
08/01/2015<br/>Passport Collected: 14/01/2015
piklu99 said:
dear Milan bhai

So u have gone for Emirates.. how much did it cost for per head adult? What if I book in Turkish and upto Ottawa??? thanks.
Yes today morning i have booked in emirates by IOM. They have given me price of 71100 BDT per person. Emirate's regular price is 115000 BDT for the same ticket.

It Seems , IOM rocks :)

For ottawa pls check with IOM.


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milansaha said:
Yes today morning i have booked in emirates by IOM. They have given me price of 71100 BDT per person. Emirate's regular price is 115000 BDT for the same ticket.

It Seems , IOM rocks :)

For ottawa pls check with IOM.
Hello milan Bhaiya, Please share the full process of "how to Book tickets by IOM".


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23/12/2104<br/>Passport Sent: 29/12/2014
08/01/2015<br/>Passport Collected: 14/01/2015
Niv said:
Hello milan Bhaiya, Please share the full process of "how to Book tickets by IOM".
Buying Ticket from IOM with BIG discount

An Experience shared with buying ticket from IOM:

Dear Forum Mates,

Today I collected tickets for my full family from IOM (International Organization for Migration, an agency of the United Nations). I have planned to leave in 2nd week of April. IOM has unbelievable offer for students, immigrants and their family members at a concessional rate.

You can book Emirates/Turkish/Qatar airlines flights with IOM. You can also compare their rate of fare with that of other travel agents. I bought Emirates tickets as it was cheaper than Turkish airlines tickets if bought from travel agent. It cost Tk. 68917/- for adults and Tk. 52,262/-. (In case of Turkish airlines ticket bought from travel agents the cost is roughly Tk. 75000/- for adults and Tk. 62,500/- for children over 2 years. It will differ if duration of booking period is longer). With IOM price of Turkish airlines tickets is a bit lower than Emirates. But Emirates is class-1 airliner so I preferred Emirates. According to Emirates website the price is USD- 1323.80 (adult) and USD- 1008.10 (child). So with IOM I got roughly Tk. 1,36,000/- concession for 4 tickets. IOM does not provide this offer for other routine visas. And one can enjoy this offer only one time- during migrating form BD and again during coming back from any country for good (not every time we travel). These rules also apply for students also.

I got the linkage of IOM from Dr. Uttam Roy (uroy in forum) who has already travelled and confirmed their service.

I met and talked to the assigned officer today about all forum members and he warmly offered his assistance to you all. He just requested to book for flights as soon as possible for the lowest price (Emirates/Turkish airlines).

[size=24pt]Procedure :


Pls contact with travelbd @ iom.int for IOM's special service. They offer great price in Emirates, Qatar and Turkish airlines.

Email requesting the desired flight (Airlines, date, class, no. of passengers etc.) and they will tell you to send the scanned copies of your passports including the visa page.

After getting your email they will reply with a booking draft along with the price. Note the price is applicable only for that day (as Dollar rate may vary the next day).

You have to send another email confirming the booking and after your mail they will confirm the booking with the airlines.

You will get several days to pay for the tickets. Once you are ready inform IOM office and they will send you the final price and schedule early in the morning and YOU HAVE TO SUBMIT THE EXACT AMOUNT IN IOM"S ACCOUNT AT STANDARD CHARTERED BANK (Any branch) ON THE SAME DAY AND RETURN THE DEPOSIT SLIP TO IOM"S OFFICE at Gulshan-1 on the SAME DAY so that they can buy the ticket from the airliner. He will take 2 working days to hand you over the e-ticket. You have to collect the tickets from IOM's office in person or by sending someone (to prevent forgery by any one like travel agent). After that he will mail you the e-tickets again. (I came to know and experience the whole procedure today while collecting my tickets, that's why I did not inform you guys earlier. It's nothing secret).

That's it.

You must contact for booking as soon as possible for the lowest price.


After you buy ticket:

After getting your tickets from IOM you must go/contact Emirates office (at Gulshan-1) for pre-booking of your hotel accommodation, transport, visa and meal confirmation during stopover at Dubai Airport (if the stopover is longer than 8 hours, or if there is any special promotional offer like 'Dubai connect'). There is allocation of one room/ticket for each adult person. But you must ensure the booking. It can also be done during departure for Dhaka Airport but the Emirates officials encourages pre-booking so that you won't be in trouble later on. You can also choose and book your seat from there. If you need extra baggage you can also know the procedure and cost.

Thanks to everyone of this forum for your warm support.


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It's a ground breaking post. It actually solved all our problem. If we can take CAD equivalent to USD7000 per passenger, it solves our problem.

Can anybody provide any link of governmental body's explanation too. Banks seems to be unaware about it.

milansaha said:
Century bhai,

We can take full cash USD 3000 + CAD 4697.80 (equivalent to 4000 USD as per today's rate). Only we need to endorse both currency in the said amount.

ক) প্রতি ভ্রমণে #ক্যাশ হোল্ডিং লিমিট শুধু মার্কিন ডলারের ক্ষেত্রে। ক্রেডিট কার্ড কিংবা অন্য বৈদেশিক মুদ্রার ক্ষেত্রে এর বাধ্যবাধকতা নেই। অর্থাৎ মার্কিন ডলার ৩০০০ এবং বার্ষিক কোটার অবশিষ্ট পরিমাণ সমমূল্যের অন্য বৈদেশিক মুদ্রায়/ক্রেডিট কার্ডে নেয়া যাবে। আবার, কোটার সম্পূর্ণটাই মার্কিন ডলার ছাড়া অন্য বৈদেশিক মুদ্রায় বা ক্রেডিট কার্ডের মাধ্যমে নেয়া যাবে।

For a clear idea have a look below:


This is copied from here https://www.facebook.com/pages/Magistrates-All-Airports-of-Bangladesh/689358534495820

বন্দরে অর্থ-হয়রানি এড়াতে জেনে রাখা জরুরি
১. বাংলাদেশী মুদ্রা সীমা

ক) আগমণ বা বহির্গমণকালে কোনরূপ ঘোষণা ছাড়া আপনি মাথাপিছু বাংলাদেশী মুদ্রায় সবোর্চ্চ #৫,০০০ টাকা সঙ্গে বহন করতে পারবেন (বাংলাদেশী মুদ্রা পাসপোর্টে এন্ডডোর্স হয় না)।

খ) বর্ণিত সীমার অতিরিক্ত টাকা থাকলে, বর্হিগমনকালে অবশ্যই ডিপার্টি বন্দরের যেকোন অথরাইজড ডিলার/ব্যাংক থেকে বিদেশী মুদ্রায় কনভার্ট করে পাসপোর্টে এনডোর্স করে নিন । আগমন কালে বৈদেশিক মুদ্রা এনডোর্স করার প্রয়োজন নেই।

২. বৈদেশিক মুদ্রা সীমা

ক) আগমনকালে যে কোন অংকের বৈদেশিক মুদ্রা সঙ্গে আনতে পারবেন, এনডোর্সমেন্ট ছাড়া। তবে #৫,০০০ মার্কিন ডলার বা তার সমমূলের বৈদেশিক মুদ্রার অধিক হলে বাংলাদেশ ব্যাংক কর্তৃক নির্ধারিত FMJ ফরমে শুল্ক কর্তৃপক্ষের নিকট ঘোষণা দিতে হবে।

খ) বহির্গমণকালে বাংলাদেশ ব্যাক কর্তৃক নির্ধারিত নি্ম্নবর্ণিত ‘ভ্রমণ কোটা' অনুযায়ী বৈদেশিক মুদ্রা অবশ্যই পাসপোর্টে এনডোর্স করে নিতে হবে। তবে Diplomats/Privileged persons/UN personnel, Govt. officials travelling on official duties- এঁদের ক্ষেত্রে এনডোর্সমেন্টের প্রয়োজন নেই।

ভ্রমণ কোটা

> বার্ষিক = ১২,০০০ মার্কিন ডলার বা সমমূল্যের বৈদেশিক মুদ্রা
- সার্কভুক্ত দেশ এবং মিয়ানমার = ৫,০০০ মার্কিন ডলার বা সমমূল্যের বৈদেশিক মুদ্রা
- বাংলাদেশ কর্তৃক স্বীকৃত অন্যান্য দেশ = ৭,০০০ মার্কিন ডলার বা সমমূল্যের বৈদেশিক মুদ্রা

> প্রতি ভ্রমণে ‪#‎ক্যাশ‬ হোল্ডিং লিমিট = ৩,০০০ মার্কিন ডলার (‪#‎সমমূল্যের_বৈদেশিক_মুদ্রা_উল্ল্যেখ_নাই‬)

> ১২ বছরের কম অপ্রাপ্ত বয়স্কদের ক্ষেত্রে বর্ণিত কোটার অর্ধেক

> চিকিৎসাজনিত ভ্রমণে ডাক্তারি কাগজপত্র প্রদর্শন সাপেক্ষে ১০,০০০ মার্কিন ডলার পর্যন্ত এবং বাংলাদেশ ব্যাংকের অনুমোদন সাপেক্ষে তার অতিরিক্ত প্রয়োজনীয় যে কোন পরিমাণ


ক) প্রতি ভ্রমণে #ক্যাশ হোল্ডিং লিমিট শুধু মার্কিন ডলারের ক্ষেত্রে। ক্রেডিট কার্ড কিংবা অন্য বৈদেশিক মুদ্রার ক্ষেত্রে এর বাধ্যবাধকতা নেই। অর্থাৎ মার্কিন ডলার ৩০০০ এবং বার্ষিক কোটার অবশিষ্ট পরিমাণ সমমূল্যের অন্য বৈদেশিক মুদ্রায়/ক্রেডিট কার্ডে নেয়া যাবে। আবার, কোটার সম্পূর্ণটাই মার্কিন ডলার ছাড়া অন্য বৈদেশিক মুদ্রায় বা ক্রেডিট কার্ডের মাধ্যমে নেয়া যাবে।

খ) ভ্রমণ শেষে অব্যবহৃত মুদ্রা অবশ্যই অথরাইজড ডিলার/ব্যাংকে বিনিময় করে পার্সপোর্টে এনডোর্সড মুদ্রার পরিমাণ থেকে বিয়োজন করতে হবে, যা আপনার পরবর্তি ভ্রমণে বার্ষিক অব্যবহৃত কোটার প্রাপ্যতায় যুক্ত হবে।

গ) এককালীন সার্কভুক্ত কোন দেশ বা মিয়ানমারসহ অন্য কোন দেশ ভ্রমণের ক্ষেত্রে উপযুর্ক্ত নিয়মে আপনি ইচ্ছে করলে বার্ষিক কোটার সম্পূণটাই ব্যবহার করতে পারেন।

** স্থল, নৌ বা বিমান, যে কোন বন্দরের ক্ষেত্রেই একই নিয়ম প্রযোজ্য

(সম্মানিত ফরেইনার এবং এনআরবি-দের জন্য প্রযোজ্য নিয়ামাবলী ব্যাখ্যা করে পরবর্তিতে পোস্ট দেয়া হবে)

মনে রাখতে হবে, বাংলাদেশি টাকা পাসপোর্টে এনডোর্স হয় না। অর্থাৎ ৫ হাজার টাকা পর্যন্ত আপনি বৈধভাবে সাথে নিতে বা আনতে পারবেন এনডোর্সমেন্ট/ঘোষনা ছাড়া। এই তথ্য না জানা থাকার কারণে বিদেশগমণকালে শেষমুহুর্তে প্রতারিত হচ্ছেন যাত্রিরা, বিশেষকরে মধ্যপ্রাচ্যগামী শ্রমিকরা...এনডোর্সমেন্ট না থাকার অজুহাতে টাকা রেখে দেয়ার ঘটনা ঘটছে। দয়া করে সচেতন হউন, প্রতিবাদ করুন..আমাদেরকে জানান, সহযোগিতা করুন


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+1 brother for sharing process for us.

milansaha said:
Buying Ticket from IOM with BIG discount

An Experience shared with buying ticket from IOM:

Dear Forum Mates,

Today I collected tickets for my full family from IOM (International Organization for Migration, an agency of the United Nations). I have planned to leave in 2nd week of April. IOM has unbelievable offer for students, immigrants and their family members at a concessional rate.

You can book Emirates/Turkish/Qatar airlines flights with IOM. You can also compare their rate of fare with that of other travel agents. I bought Emirates tickets as it was cheaper than Turkish airlines tickets if bought from travel agent. It cost Tk. 68917/- for adults and Tk. 52,262/-. (In case of Turkish airlines ticket bought from travel agents the cost is roughly Tk. 75000/- for adults and Tk. 62,500/- for children over 2 years. It will differ if duration of booking period is longer). With IOM price of Turkish airlines tickets is a bit lower than Emirates. But Emirates is class-1 airliner so I preferred Emirates. According to Emirates website the price is USD- 1323.80 (adult) and USD- 1008.10 (child). So with IOM I got roughly Tk. 1,36,000/- concession for 4 tickets. IOM does not provide this offer for other routine visas. And one can enjoy this offer only one time- during migrating form BD and again during coming back from any country for good (not every time we travel). These rules also apply for students also.

I got the linkage of IOM from Dr. Uttam Roy (uroy in forum) who has already travelled and confirmed their service.

I met and talked to the assigned officer today about all forum members and he warmly offered his assistance to you all. He just requested to book for flights as soon as possible for the lowest price (Emirates/Turkish airlines).

[size=24pt]Procedure :


Pls contact with travelbd @ iom.int for IOM's special service. They offer great price in Emirates, Qatar and Turkish airlines.

Email requesting the desired flight (Airlines, date, class, no. of passengers etc.) and they will tell you to send the scanned copies of your passports including the visa page.

After getting your email they will reply with a booking draft along with the price. Note the price is applicable only for that day (as Dollar rate may vary the next day).

You have to send another email confirming the booking and after your mail they will confirm the booking with the airlines.

You will get several days to pay for the tickets. Once you are ready inform IOM office and they will send you the final price and schedule early in the morning and YOU HAVE TO SUBMIT THE EXACT AMOUNT IN IOM"S ACCOUNT AT STANDARD CHARTERED BANK (Any branch) ON THE SAME DAY AND RETURN THE DEPOSIT SLIP TO IOM"S OFFICE at Gulshan-1 on the SAME DAY so that they can buy the ticket from the airliner. He will take 2 working days to hand you over the e-ticket. You have to collect the tickets from IOM's office in person or by sending someone (to prevent forgery by any one like travel agent). After that he will mail you the e-tickets again. (I came to know and experience the whole procedure today while collecting my tickets, that's why I did not inform you guys earlier. It's nothing secret).

That's it.

You must contact for booking as soon as possible for the lowest price.


After you buy ticket:

After getting your tickets from IOM you must go/contact Emirates office (at Gulshan-1) for pre-booking of your hotel accommodation, transport, visa and meal confirmation during stopover at Dubai Airport (if the stopover is longer than 8 hours, or if there is any special promotional offer like 'Dubai connect'). There is allocation of one room/ticket for each adult person. But you must ensure the booking. It can also be done during departure for Dhaka Airport but the Emirates officials encourages pre-booking so that you won't be in trouble later on. You can also choose and book your seat from there. If you need extra baggage you can also know the procedure and cost.

Thanks to everyone of this forum for your warm support.


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Jun 20, 2013
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milansaha said:
Buying Ticket from IOM with BIG discount

An Experience shared with buying ticket from IOM:

Dear Forum Mates,

Today I collected tickets for my full family from IOM (International Organization for Migration, an agency of the United Nations). I have planned to leave in 2nd week of April. IOM has unbelievable offer for students, immigrants and their family members at a concessional rate.

You can book Emirates/Turkish/Qatar airlines flights with IOM. You can also compare their rate of fare with that of other travel agents. I bought Emirates tickets as it was cheaper than Turkish airlines tickets if bought from travel agent. It cost Tk. 68917/- for adults and Tk. 52,262/-. (In case of Turkish airlines ticket bought from travel agents the cost is roughly Tk. 75000/- for adults and Tk. 62,500/- for children over 2 years. It will differ if duration of booking period is longer). With IOM price of Turkish airlines tickets is a bit lower than Emirates. But Emirates is class-1 airliner so I preferred Emirates. According to Emirates website the price is USD- 1323.80 (adult) and USD- 1008.10 (child). So with IOM I got roughly Tk. 1,36,000/- concession for 4 tickets. IOM does not provide this offer for other routine visas. And one can enjoy this offer only one time- during migrating form BD and again during coming back from any country for good (not every time we travel). These rules also apply for students also.

I got the linkage of IOM from Dr. Uttam Roy (uroy in forum) who has already travelled and confirmed their service.

I met and talked to the assigned officer today about all forum members and he warmly offered his assistance to you all. He just requested to book for flights as soon as possible for the lowest price (Emirates/Turkish airlines).

[size=24pt]Procedure :


Pls contact with travelbd @ iom.int for IOM's special service. They offer great price in Emirates, Qatar and Turkish airlines.

Email requesting the desired flight (Airlines, date, class, no. of passengers etc.) and they will tell you to send the scanned copies of your passports including the visa page.

After getting your email they will reply with a booking draft along with the price. Note the price is applicable only for that day (as Dollar rate may vary the next day).

You have to send another email confirming the booking and after your mail they will confirm the booking with the airlines.

You will get several days to pay for the tickets. Once you are ready inform IOM office and they will send you the final price and schedule early in the morning and YOU HAVE TO SUBMIT THE EXACT AMOUNT IN IOM"S ACCOUNT AT STANDARD CHARTERED BANK (Any branch) ON THE SAME DAY AND RETURN THE DEPOSIT SLIP TO IOM"S OFFICE at Gulshan-1 on the SAME DAY so that they can buy the ticket from the airliner. He will take 2 working days to hand you over the e-ticket. You have to collect the tickets from IOM's office in person or by sending someone (to prevent forgery by any one like travel agent). After that he will mail you the e-tickets again. (I came to know and experience the whole procedure today while collecting my tickets, that's why I did not inform you guys earlier. It's nothing secret).

That's it.

You must contact for booking as soon as possible for the lowest price.


After you buy ticket:

After getting your tickets from IOM you must go/contact Emirates office (at Gulshan-1) for pre-booking of your hotel accommodation, transport, visa and meal confirmation during stopover at Dubai Airport (if the stopover is longer than 8 hours, or if there is any special promotional offer like 'Dubai connect'). There is allocation of one room/ticket for each adult person. But you must ensure the booking. It can also be done during departure for Dhaka Airport but the Emirates officials encourages pre-booking so that you won't be in trouble later on. You can also choose and book your seat from there. If you need extra baggage you can also know the procedure and cost.

Thanks to everyone of this forum for your warm support.
Thanks for sharing :) really helpful.


Star Member
Nov 6, 2014
Visa Office......
NOC Code......
1114 (Other Financial Officer)
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
Jun 2014
Will there be a problem if I take less amount than that I have declared and shown in my proof of settlement funds?

Safir Khan

Star Member
Jan 6, 2015
hi there,

My wife applied for canada immigration in 2014 as a civil engineer(2131). Details of our file are given below:

Category: FSW1
Date of file received: 03/06/2014
Date of AOR received : 10/11/2014
Visa Office: Singapore
The below stated message is available in E-Cas
We received your application for permanent residence on June 3, 2014

Could experts please convey some comments on my case??


Hero Member
May 9, 2013
Visa Office......
NOC Code......
App. Filed.......
AOR Received.
File Transfer...
Med's Request
Med's Done....
Passport Req..
It means SGVO haven't started processing your spouse application but they received the application on 10th November 2014..Once they start processing the application there will be 2nd line added on ecas..

Safir Khan said:
hi there,

My wife applied for canada immigration in 2014 as a civil engineer(2131). Details of our file are given below:

Category: FSW1
Date of file received: 03/06/2014
Date of AOR received : 10/11/2014
Visa Office: Singapore
The below stated message is available in E-Cas
We received your application for permanent residence on June 3, 2014

Could experts please convey some comments on my case??


Hero Member
Oct 27, 2014
Visa Office......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
AOR Received.
Med's Done....
Don't know what SGVO is doing! Why they don't start processing our files! Finger crossed!


Star Member
May 1, 2014
Visa Office......
NOC Code......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
9th June 2014
3rd Oct 2014
AOR Received.
10th Nov 2014
IELTS Request
Submitted with application
Med's Request
7th Oct 2015
Med's Done....
10th Oct 2015
Passport Req..
29th Oct 2015
November 10
Raisa Nazrana said:
Below is the link for CSE......


And ther is no restriction for EE......But at this stage i think you don't need to. But it's your decision to make.
Thank You so much Raisa. I made a CSE. waiting for their reply.


Star Member
Sep 27, 2014
Job Offer........
Dear Experts,

Please shed some light on this. I am Aug 11, 2014 applicant. I received my PER on Nov 30th and from that I learned my DD was encashed on Nov 14th. I was waiting for my AOR. Then suddenly today I got a mail from CIC:

"This confirms that your application for permanent residence in Canada has been received by Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) on 2014/08/11.

When should I contact CIC?
You must notify CIC of any changes to your application. Examples of changes include:
• Changes in your personal circumstances......
When will CIC contact me?
CIC will contact you if we require additional information, documents....
How do I check the status of my application?
You may use either the Unique Client Identifier (UCI) or Application Number to.......
How long will it take to process my application?
Processing times vary. You can consult the processing times for reference at: www.cic.gc.ca/english/information.......
Please be aware that answering e-mails takes time away from processing applications. For this reason, unless your application has exceeded normal processing times, please limit your correspondence to notifying us of changes in your application.

How can I prepare for immigration to Canada?
Please consult the following resources about settlement in Canada:
• For information on language assessment and training, visit www.cic.gc.ca/english/newcomers/before-language-training.asp
• For information on employment, visit www.credentials.gc.ca and www.workingincanada.gc.ca
• For information on housing, education, health, important documents, and other topics, visit www.cic.gc.ca/english/newcomers
We trust that this information concerning your application for permanent residence in Canada is helpful.

High Commission of Canada
Visa Section
Robinson Road, P.O. Box 845
901645 Singapore

I already knew this from PER mail. It does not confirm that my file has been transferred to SGVO or not and mentions nothing about File processing. So nothing new!! My second line is not updated. However, this mail is sent from SGVO as the bottom of the address confirms. So what this mail basically is? A second PER?? What does it mean?? Any idea?? ::) ::)


Star Member
Nov 6, 2014
Visa Office......
NOC Code......
1114 (Other Financial Officer)
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
Jun 2014
This is Acknowledgement of Receipt (AOR) from Singapore Visa Office.

Lucky_Rish said:
Dear Experts,

Please shed some light on this. I am Aug 11, 2014 applicant. I received my PER on Nov 30th and from that I learned my DD was encashed on Nov 14th. I was waiting for my AOR. Then suddenly today I got a mail from CIC:

"This confirms that your application for permanent residence in Canada has been received by Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) on 2014/08/11.

When should I contact CIC?
You must notify CIC of any changes to your application. Examples of changes include:
• Changes in your personal circumstances......
When will CIC contact me?
CIC will contact you if we require additional information, documents....
How do I check the status of my application?
You may use either the Unique Client Identifier (UCI) or Application Number to.......
How long will it take to process my application?
Processing times vary. You can consult the processing times for reference at: www.cic.gc.ca/english/information.......
Please be aware that answering e-mails takes time away from processing applications. For this reason, unless your application has exceeded normal processing times, please limit your correspondence to notifying us of changes in your application.

How can I prepare for immigration to Canada?
Please consult the following resources about settlement in Canada:
• For information on language assessment and training, visit www.cic.gc.ca/english/newcomers/before-language-training.asp
• For information on employment, visit www.credentials.gc.ca and www.workingincanada.gc.ca
• For information on housing, education, health, important documents, and other topics, visit www.cic.gc.ca/english/newcomers
We trust that this information concerning your application for permanent residence in Canada is helpful.

High Commission of Canada
Visa Section
Robinson Road, P.O. Box 845
901645 Singapore

I already knew this from PER mail. It does not confirm that my file has been transferred to SGVO or not and mentions nothing about File processing. So nothing new!! My second line is not updated. However, this mail is sent from SGVO as the bottom of the address confirms. So what this mail basically is? A second PER?? What does it mean?? Any idea?? ::) ::)