I have some confusion in IMM 0008 schedule 3
in the form q:12 ask to list down all occupation within the last 10 years. and this occupation should be NOC wise.
I have experience under a same NOC for 3+ yr but i switched several companies.
I also have experience of 2yr in another NOC. I also switched companies in that period.
I am confused that should i list records in companywise or NOC Wise?
like according NOC 2173 i have experience in Company A 1 yr, Company B 2yr, company C 1.5 yr
and according to NOC 2174 i have experience in Company X 1.5yr and company Y 0.5 yr.
so should i filled up like
From yyyy-mm to yyyy-mm NOC 2173 - 1yr (company A)
From yyyy-mm to yyyy-mm NOC 2173 - 2yr (company B)
From yyyy-mm to yyyy-mm NOC 2173 - 1.5yr (company C)
From yyyy-mm to yyyy-mm NOC 2174 - 1.5yr (company X)
From yyyy-mm to yyyy-mm NOC 2174 - 0.5yr (company Y)
From yyyy-mm to yyyy-mm NOC 2173 - 3.5yr (company A,b,c)
From yyyy-mm to yyyy-mm NOC 2174 - 2yr (company X,y)
my second confusion is about mailing label for my own address . should i just print out my mailing label in a blank sheet or should i print the label on an envelop and send the envelop labeled my address with the documents.
another confusion.
it is said that the bar code of IMM 0008 generic form should be at the top of the forms.
and in the checklist , it is said that the checklist should be placed as a cover letter.
so what should be the assending order?
Bar Codes
Check list
IMM 0008 and other forms,
supporting documents
Bar code page
IMM 0008 and other forms,
supporting documents.
All my docs are ready. i am just stuck on this silly confusion.
can anyone help me in this !!!
thanks in advance