Why dont we see this way,
- A group of us have an option to explore a first world country for an uncertain future. (Among very lucky few, though luck is subjective, still!!!!)
- We know we usually do this for our kids (Actually never for ourselves, if it had been so we never would have left the motherland). We sacrifice our set carrier, at middle age, our birth-land for certain certainties of our kids and of course for an assured retired life for us.
- Yes there are many issues to consider, there are trade offs. Some you loose and some you gain.
- But for those who have already taken a decision to settle at Canada (Only they know the trauma and the stress they are going through), should not they be very much optimistic? Do we have any option to spare, exploring: this good, that is bad, what if this, what if that........!!!! Isn't it the best way, to express
Maira Felamu, Kaita Felamu, Fataya Felamu no matter what comes on our way? Should not we be happy with what ever comes along and say Alahamdulillah, Thanks God!!!!!!
- I read this interesting quote some where:
A pessimist finds difficulty in every opportunity, while an optimist finds opportunity in every difficulty.
- Yes we know Canada will not feed us for free, we are bound to work for a decent life and for our family needs. And we have to do this smiling, we are to forget complaining, and comparing. Time is not going to be easy, but will be bearable if we keep on smiling. We will fight (The fight will be half stressful than Dhaka, believe me, so we can fight double the times, and we will be double productive than Dhaka, right?

). And we all have our company (our fighter wives, they wont leave without a fight, right? Actually they are the one who are insisting us to go to Canada, right? So they are major a part

). So chances are doubleX2= quadruple. See the equation is very very promising.
- Theoretically we migrants stand better future chance than the locals, as we are left with no options. So everything is going to be just fine, over there. It is bound to be, as long as we keep in groups and help each others, like other migrant nationals.
Cheers mate............................... ;D. Shumon