Not mandatory but helps get some points, max 20.mskr said:For EE is it mandatory to have ielts score for spouse? If yes then what is minimum score.
according to Spreadsheet, your position is around 80th of total 100 people.thind26 said:i have got 340 points......what are my chances?
hae1234 said:Hi, my overall IELTS band is 6.5
speaking 7
listening 7
reading 5.5
writing 6.5
is it bad?
I have done 4 EE profiles and I keep on getting Profile Ineligible
I have ECA of 2 x Two diplomas (two years) by WES
That's 2 bachelor's degree in my country
My husband also took IELTS already, but no ECA (it costs much if we will have his education assessed) does it affect the score in point system?
I have more than 4 yrs work experience in same NOC3012
and more than 10 yrs exp on another NOC8255
What else can I do to have all these pass the profile eligibility, initial eligibility says I can apply for EE :-[
Is it ok to make several profiles? And all are ineligible
Any advice?
Do I need to retake IELTS?
does it mean I have to retake now?miltoncsekuet said:Your reading is 5.5. minimum requirement is 6.0
Please retake IELTS, Assess your husband certificate. Then create profile again. Keep in mind CIC only chose top scorer, so only EE entry does not mean you will be selected.hae1234 said:does it mean I have to retake now?
Does it have any effect on my 4 ineligible profiles?
Would it still be ineligible because of my 5.5? Isn't it that we get scores for each of the IELTS Language proficiency abilities?
Even if I make a new EE Profile? Because the first time I signed up for EE Profile I did not have my ECA yet. But the other 3 I already received my ECA from WES. Thanks
Thanks for your may cost a lot but...what the heck....I really want to make this happen....I also have another dilemmamiltoncsekuet said:Please retake IELTS, Assess your husband certificate. Then create profile again. Keep in mind CIC only chose top scorer, so only EE entry does not mean you will be selected.
Yes, and here is the official linkjasss said:hi everybody please tell me is it necessary to obtain 67 scores from skilled worker grid before filing an express entry form..please reply me as soon as possible guys .thanks
how often the spreadsheet is updated??...I created my prfile on January 13th...cannot find myself in the spreadsheet? we have to add ourselves?miltoncsekuet said:according to Spreadsheet, your position is around 80th of total 100 people.
Yes, You have to put your score to spreadsheetpreeti.msingh109 said:how often the spreadsheet is updated??...I created my prfile on January 13th...cannot find myself in the spreadsheet? we have to add ourselves?
Hi.. What is the Canadian prime ministers twitter account? Thanks!Goku said:Canada's Immigration Minister tweeted that they going to announce EE on Jan. 1, 2015