This is the number: Toll-free within Alberta: 1-877-427-64192
Just want to share the sad news, today morning I called and inquired about my application w/c was received on Nov 21, 2013 and to find out that there is no status in their system yet. The agent informed me that wether you submitted bedore nov. 26, 2013 the processing time will take atleast 8 months and she said that mine will probably have decision in July 21, 2014 as it will be my 8th month (it says the proceaaing time will start when they received the application so it will actually be my 9th month already in July) but not guatanteed yet. She said that the officers just started reviewing on the applications received earlier in Nov. This is just becoming frustrating! FYI: I had also askex about applicants w/expired work permit if whats the best thing thwy2 can do, she said find different job but then it might affect their application that means might get denied as they will be no longer be with their current employee now. This is really driving me crazy. I hope the wait wont take long
