Responding to my post to share my recent landing experience and answer these questions once more for people that can't go through the 100s of pages of info in here.
So, with respect to where you should do your landing. If you can, land directly to your nominee province. If you can't find direct flights it should still be ok as long as your final destination is your nominee province (why wouldn't it be?).
During my landing, which was very smooth and straightforward, the officer asked me what was my address and i said that i don't have a permanent address yet, as I am staying in a hotel until I sort it out. But I added that I do have an address of a friend (outside the nominee province) that they can send my permanent resident cards. They were completely fine with that and took the address. No problem at all.
Worst case scenario if they don't accept the address is that they will instruct you to go online and put in your permanent address when you got one (free for 6 months, $50 afterwards). From other people's posts here I understand that you can simply go online the next day and put the address you want and it will be accepted by the system.
Proof of funds: I had my bank statements and cash on me, they just asked for the amount, did not check anything, but I guess experiences vary.
For the customs i had my list of accompanying goods and goods to follow (2 copies, one for you and one for customs, they stamp both). There is a b4 form you can print out and fill in if you want to make things faster, but the customs officer can fill that in for you.
A small tip for those going to Winnipeg, for your health card and national insurance number go here (both offices are in the same block so you only need one taxi ride to sort out both documents):
Health card:
Manitoba health and healthy living
300 carlton street
National insurance card:
Winnipeg centre service canada centre
393 portage avenue, unit 122
opening hours are 0830-1600 for both offices, mon-fri.
As you exit the health card office, turn left and continue until you exit the building to a parking lot. On your left hand there should be the Portage Place Mall, get in there, walk down and turn right. Keep walking and the service centre is next to Staples on your right.
You will usually find taxis waiting outside the mall (out from the doors you entered) but if you need to call one you can go to the first floor of the mall at the customer service centre and ask for a taxi to be called.
Taxi numbers:
Duffy taxis
+1 204 775 0101
+1 204 925 3131
Hope this helps.
arush2015 said:
Hello everyone,
Glad to have found this page - visited the forum before but didn't know there was a dedicated page for landing experiences - still going through the posts.
Just received my COPR forms for me and my wife (Manitoba provincial nominees) and we only got a short time before they expire. Therefore we are thinking of flying over just to land, return back and properly move around spring/summer when we will have hopefully secured a job. Naturally, I got a number of questions:
a) Can I fly to _any_ place in Canada in order to land and validate my CORP or does it have to be Manitoba - even as a final destination in case of a stop-over?
#Reading more posts and other internet sources suggests that the Immigration officer needs to be convinced of your intention to stay in the nominating province. Ir they are not they will reject you. #
b) Reading the various posts I understand they ask for an address to send the PR card. Does that address _have_ to be in Manitoba, since we will not move until later in 2016? I am asking because I have a friend in Ontario that I could use their address, but I'm concerned that giving a non-Manitoba address won't be sufficient. In that case, how do I get a Manitoba address?
Are there any PO boxes you can rent to auto-forward mail? Are these acceptable? - read that PO Boxes are not acceptable
c) Proof of funds. I got the CORP through being a Manitoba Prov.Nominee, do the skilled worker minimum funds apply to me or not? Will a simple bank account statement do? Does it have to be formal or will a print-out be ok?
That's all for now, I'll keep going through the posts in this forum and come back!
Thanks for any help in advance - very happy to finally make it through the process
