I received an email from CIC-Ottawa today, asking for a scanned copy of my passport. And as far as I could remember, I submitted a photocopy of my passport when I submitted my PR application to CIO-Sydney. Please see below copy of the said email.
Does this mean am I close to getting "passport request"? I checked my ecas,however, it still says "medical results received". Appreciate all your comments!

This refers to your application for Permanent Residence in Canada.
Case Status:
In order for us to continue the processing of your application, we require the following documents:
Passport/Travel Document: Please provide our office with a scanned photocopy of your passport with a minimum validity of six months.
· t This must be received at this office by: 2014/08/23
With the exception of Police Certificates, please submit all other requested documents as scanned attachments and send to the following e-mail address:
CPC-CTD-Ottawa @ cic.gc.ca
Please note:
All documents must be accompanied by English or French translations.
When original documents are requested, notarised documents are not acceptable.
If you are unable to provide any or all of the requested documents/information, please explain why they are not available.
Important Passport Information:
Please DO NOT send passport(s) until you have received a formal request to do so.
Passport(s) must have a validity date of at least 6 months in order to issue a visa.
A copy or scanned image of the photo page of passport(s) and of any pages indicating a validity extension or change to personal information must be on file.
When should I contact CIC?
You must notify Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) of any changes to your application. Examples of changes include:
· Changes in your personal circumstances, such as birth or adoption of a child, death of a family member, a marriage or a divorce;
· Change of contact information (e-mail, mailing address, telephone number);
· Appointment or change of immigration representative or designated individual;
· Decision to withdraw your application.
Withdrawing your application:
You have the option to withdraw your application at any point in the process. You will be refunded the RPRF if you have already paid it. In order for your application to be withdrawn, it is required that written confirmation be sent to the above address.
Need more information?
For more information concerning your Application status, you may refer to the CIC Help Centre online at http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/helpcentre/index-can.asp
Case Processing Centre – Ottawa (CPC-O)- EG00203
Citizenship and Immigration Canada | Citoyenneté et Immigration Canada
219 Laurier Avenue West Ottawa ON K1A 1L1 | 219 avenue Laurier Ouest
7th Floor | 7ème étage, Section B
Ottawa ON K1A 1L1 Canada
Facsimile | Télécopieur 613-946-6059
E-mail I Courriel CPC-CTD-Ottawa @ cic.gc.ca
Site : www.cic.gc.ca
Disclaimer: By supplying your email address, you are initiating an email communication with CIC and thereby authorizing CIC to use your email address for communication with you including the transmission of personal information on your file/case.
Désistement : En fournissant votre adresse électronique, vous établissez une communication par voie électronique avec CIC et, par conséquent, CIC est autorisé à utiliser l'adresse électronique fournie à cette fin, y compris pour la transmission de renseignements personnels au sujet de votre dossier/cas