Hi guys, so I finally received my CSQ and I'm sending my PR application real soon (have to do quadruple check on that!). I currently have visitor record until next year June because my post-graduation WP has ended last April. I want to apply for a work permit, but when I called CIC they kept giving me "Application for Work Permit Made Outside Canada [IMM 1295]" form. I'm really confused because I currently still reside in Quebec! It also appears in the form that I have to have a valid job offer before I apply for this WP.
So my question is,
1. Do you think it's the right form to send?
2. Do you think I'd be able to apply this WP even if I don't have a job offer? I considered begging my previous employer to take me in, but I worry that they might not consider it since I won't know if I will get the WP
Thank you for all the response! I'd really appreciate it
So my question is,
1. Do you think it's the right form to send?
2. Do you think I'd be able to apply this WP even if I don't have a job offer? I considered begging my previous employer to take me in, but I worry that they might not consider it since I won't know if I will get the WP
Thank you for all the response! I'd really appreciate it