Our application has been processing for years now, and they requested all types of documents under the sun. The ones that were requested are to prove physical presence and they are:
-Home rental leases (or ownership).
-Health records from your province. So apply for one and try to visit a doctor (even a walk in clinic) every 6 months or so to show on your records.
-Bank account. The bank keeps your records for you and you can save them when online banking.
-Utility bills (cell phone, phone, TV, internet, gas, hydro, etc) just keep them in a box. They requested ours and we didn't/couldn't obtain most. Not in our advantage.
-Car leases and car insurance contract and records
-Home insurance contract
-Tax returns. File taxes every year and keep your tax returns. Easier to do it via professionals like H&R Block to avoid errors but it also can be done at home. Also, keep your T4 slips. You'll need them for the tax return and your records.
-Degrees and transcripts. Not sure if they request that if you did not study in Canada, but it was requested from us.
-Old passports and their translation. Easier to have them translated (if needed) in Canada to achieve their standards.
Other helpful tips:
-Keep copies of old drivers licenses. You have to destroy old ones when you move to other provinces or when you renew them. Just scan a copy. Same goes for any other IDs like work IDs or student IDs, old PR cards etc. Scan everything and keep a digital record.
-Use an app to track your travels. I use Kayak on my phone. It keeps the specific travel dates and all original receipts of hotels and airline bookings. Very organized and it has all my travels from 4 years ago in one place.
-Keep your children's reports and school registration documents. You can request a letter from the school that states they are enrolled for your records.
Try to keep it all digital. Physical files can faint or get misplaced. They also can pile up in those 4 years which makes it hard to find anything. Scan the originals and keep them in a box. Organize your digital files and it will be easy to find what you need without the risk of damaging or misplacing the original. Keep a backup though.
Good luck.