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Admission offer accepted, can I change to other university?


Jan 7, 2015
Hello everyone,
I've got an admission offer from university X and they have told me I have until the end of March to accept the offer.
However, I applied for 3 more universities which I haven't received any news yet since these one will probably start issuing offer on mid-April.

My question is:
If I accepted the university X offer, and on mid-April I would receive an alternative offer from one of the other three universities which I applied, Would it be possible to cancel the first one(university X) and accept one of the other???

In short, I want to know whether I can decline an already accepted offer and accept one from an alternative institution.

Please help me anyone with experience. I do really need to know what to do.


Star Member
Sep 5, 2015
Job Offer........
Yes, you can accept the offer, but usually universities require you to deposit a certain amount to fully secure your seat, as long as you have not deposited this amount, you are not fully accepted.

If you happen to deposit that amount too, NO you cannot withdraw your offer and get the refund, you have to fully show a REJECTED study permit in order to get that refund, in cases like these, your deposited amount cannot be withdrawn, and university cannot be changed, unless you show a valid case of rejected permit under that university's name, and apply on a different intake at a different university.

Now, I am not sure about this particular university's policy, but things generally work this way 8)


Star Member
Nov 28, 2015
Job Offer........
Doesn't this mean s/he would be able to change the university BUT would lose the amount deposited? This is what makes sense to me... (but i have no knowledge on this, i'm just guessing)


Star Member
Sep 5, 2015
Job Offer........
tp_marina said:
Doesn't this mean s/he would be able to change the university BUT would lose the amount deposited? This is what makes sense to me... (but i have no knowledge on this, i'm just guessing)
Yes, I guess it's possible to do that, but certainly would raise complications. I am not sure about other countries, but where I am from, you need to obtain permit to deposit fees, which is one and only one for each term.


Hero Member
Jul 14, 2011
Bya87 said:
Hello everyone,
I've got an admission offer from university X and they have told me I have until the end of March to accept the offer.
However, I applied for 3 more universities which I haven't received any news yet since these one will probably start issuing offer on mid-April.

My question is:
If I accepted the university X offer, and on mid-April I would receive an alternative offer from one of the other three universities which I applied, Would it be possible to cancel the first one(university X) and accept one of the other???

In short, I want to know whether I can decline an already accepted offer and accept one from an alternative institution.

Please help me anyone with experience. I do really need to know what to do.
Yes you can change your university after getting your study permit. It is actually very easy, you do not have to do anything. I got my study permit on Lakehead university but I changed my university to Dalhousie. The border officer asked me the new offer letter and thats it.

You can take refund of your fees. But the deposit money you wont get it back .

The new program degree has to be the same. No changes allowed there :)
