Dear Itsbeenlongnow and Chami, Thanks for your concern and reply.
Let me explain.My E-Cas used to show always that my application "was in Process."My file was transferred to the NDVO early this year.I mean before March 29 2012
the so called deadline before which the officer should have decided if the applicant will meet selection criteria eligibiltiy.Even after that my E-CAS was showing two things
1)My "application was in Process" which was of my first office decision 2)"we received your application"which was of my current office information.That was fine.But
in June first week this year as I mentioned the E-Cas has disappeared,initially just address and later completely(within a week).So I contacted immediately the NDVO
by a CSE.I got a reply saying that there was no record of my file being received by the office and in addtion the office advised me to contact my first office regarding the
file.When I contacted my first office they sent me the details of file transfer which I forwarded to my current office as URGENT to both CSE and General enquiries as well.
In addtion, I mentioned even my passport number which I have been asked to provide when I reply to the office along with details of file tranfer.After that there was no
reply from the office.It has been four solid months.This is exactly what is bothering me.I m really frustrated as to what to d

ne gentleman who is a memeber of our
beloved forum advised me to visit the visa office to get the things sorted out.I do not know if this is possible.KIndly guide me please. Thank you.