I accompanied my friend to CBSA office in near Peace Arch Park, White Rock BC. However, due to incorrect navigation by google maps, we reached the USA border. We immediately informed the officer that we did not mean to enter USA but we were already in the cue and there was no way to return back to Canada and we landed here. He sent us inside to the office. The US customs officer took our passport details, took our fingerprints and picture and mentioned FLAGPOLE. He then gave us a piece of paper and allowed us to return to Canada.
I checked my 1-94 records, and it has my entry and departure date for US. I do not have any US visa, and have a work Permit in Canada. Now the problem is, will I always have to say yes in my PR application where is asks denied or refused entry to any country? Will I have to enter this same day US history details in the travel history form?
Will it be an issue when I will apply my US visa?
Your help would be much appreciated.
Thank you.
I accompanied my friend to CBSA office in near Peace Arch Park, White Rock BC. However, due to incorrect navigation by google maps, we reached the USA border. We immediately informed the officer that we did not mean to enter USA but we were already in the cue and there was no way to return back to Canada and we landed here. He sent us inside to the office. The US customs officer took our passport details, took our fingerprints and picture and mentioned FLAGPOLE. He then gave us a piece of paper and allowed us to return to Canada.
I checked my 1-94 records, and it has my entry and departure date for US. I do not have any US visa, and have a work Permit in Canada. Now the problem is, will I always have to say yes in my PR application where is asks denied or refused entry to any country? Will I have to enter this same day US history details in the travel history form?
Will it be an issue when I will apply my US visa?
Your help would be much appreciated.
Thank you.