Dear Applicant
Thank you for your email regarding the refusal of your recent application to Canada. We realize that this decision may come as a disappointment to you.
Your request for reconsideration of the refusal of your application has been forwarded to a Migration Officer for review. This delegated official will review the contents of your message, the application and the refusal decision.
Based on a review of all of these factors, they will consider whether an error in fact, in law, or in procedural fairness has occurred and whether or not your file will be re-opened.
Your request will be reviewed within 30 days of this email, If the Migration Officer determines the decision was rendered with no error in fact, law, or procedural fairness, this message will serve as notification of the review and you will receive a reply to this effect. No further reconsideration requests will be considered without the submission of a new application.
Should the Migration Officer decide to re-open your file, you will be contacted with information on next steps.
Thank you for the interest you have shown in Canada.
Client Experience Team | R.A
IRCC Abu Dhabi
United Arab Emirates