Hello guys, i would like to give u all a little update.
I did my medical test, and it's already sent and received by CIC via emedical system.
Then ADVO sent me RPRF request and PCC request today.

i guess ADVO is back on track.
i have a question, regarding the PCC, here's what the email states:
-Police certificates must be issued after your last period of residence (i.e. more than 6 months) in that country. If your police certificate from your current country of residence is more than 12 months old, you must submit an updated police certificate issued within the last 6 months.
i have one police certificate that is expired but it was after my last period of residence in my country and i didn't go there again after that.
and i have another police certificate for the current country which is also expired but less than 12 months old.
from what i understood, if i send both right now, i'm following the exact instructions of the email, yet when i think about it, both already expired and one of them will take somewhere between 45 days to 3 months to get, and they only gave me 30 days to fulfill this request.
what should i do? thanks.
1- congratulations!!!!!!!!!
2- where r u from?