Hello everyone,
I am about to submit my citizenship application next spring so it is time for me to get everything prepared for it. Here I just get a question about the language requirement:
I have became PR via the Quebec Selection Program(CSQ), instead of any federal programs. When applying for this CSQ, I took IELTS test in Montreal(Jan 2012) to get the extra English language points(i got 5 points out of 6 in total for the English language skill section, while i got zero out of 16 in total for the French skill section since i didnt take any French test at all, and finally i still got the CSQ since my total points reached the CSQ benchmark).
Also, I had taken another IELTS(General) test out of Canada in 2008, but that test was done personally just to evaluate my English skills, not for immigration purpose.
Both IELTS tests scored higher than the CIC required level for citizenship.
Question is: Can i use any of these two test records as the English language skill proof for the coming citizenship application?
Thanks a lot for your warm help in advance!
I am about to submit my citizenship application next spring so it is time for me to get everything prepared for it. Here I just get a question about the language requirement:
I have became PR via the Quebec Selection Program(CSQ), instead of any federal programs. When applying for this CSQ, I took IELTS test in Montreal(Jan 2012) to get the extra English language points(i got 5 points out of 6 in total for the English language skill section, while i got zero out of 16 in total for the French skill section since i didnt take any French test at all, and finally i still got the CSQ since my total points reached the CSQ benchmark).
Also, I had taken another IELTS(General) test out of Canada in 2008, but that test was done personally just to evaluate my English skills, not for immigration purpose.
Both IELTS tests scored higher than the CIC required level for citizenship.
Question is: Can i use any of these two test records as the English language skill proof for the coming citizenship application?
Thanks a lot for your warm help in advance!