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Abandonment of Citizenship Application

Joe 123

May 28, 2015
Dear Thecoolguysam and Bambino, Many thanks for your replies, I will explore this option, how I wish that I knew that several years ago.

Dear OpPop, My complain was that they abandonment my application by accusing me that I was late in collecting the documents, this is specifically the complain, yes you are right about the other point; next time when the pizza shop delay delivering the pizza for six hours and for several times, I will continuing buying from him cause he has some good employees!!! you should know that the employees represent their employer and not themselves!


Hero Member
Oct 8, 2014
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Joe 123 said:
Dear Thecoolguysam and Bambino, Many thanks for your replies, I will explore this option, how I wish that I knew that several years ago.

Dear OpPop, My complain was that they abandonment my application by accusing me that I was late in collecting the documents, this is specifically the complain, yes you are right about the other point; next time when the pizza shop delay delivering the pizza for six hours and for several times, I will continuing buying from him cause he has some good employees!!! you should know that the employees represent their employer and not themselves!
I understand your frustration, but that is not what I am saying. I am saying you cannot generalize your experience to everyone in CIC. In your example, you might have a bad experience with that pizza place and stop shopping there, but many people might love them and get good experience. If everyone had similar experience to you, then yes, that pizza place had to be shut down.

Anyway, you didn't answer my question. Were you located in Canada during all these years?


Star Member
Feb 23, 2015
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I am so sorry to hear...what happened to your application, but i don't think CIC is completely responsible for all this.

There is famous saying

When the bulls fight, the grass suffers.

Everyday i hear so many people proudly telling their stories that how they abuse the system, how they were able to get the citizenship without spending their days here, how they were able to use loopholes in system to achieve what they wanted. And that is reason CIC has started scrutinizing the process more, and becoming more cautious.

But the problem is still not being solved , the innocent people are suffering.

I would suggest you to hire a good lawyer and make an appeal, your case is strong.

Joe 123

May 28, 2015
We are living in one of the great 8 countries in the world, we are in 2015, CIC has all the resources in the World, it shouldn't take more than 1-2 months to know if somebody is really in the country or not, apart from this is completely ridiculous.

Nobody can prove that he is in country while he is not, except in one case, if CIC didn't do their job to check, if they check they can easily know, they have all the tools to know.

Putting the file on shelve, or putting it in queue doesn't mean more checking.


Hero Member
May 16, 2014
Yes very easy it can be check with boarding cards, airlines record introduce the
exit stamp for people travelling with PR card than all will be easily.

Lack of interest in CIC side suffering all people running from one office to another
to get the record and arrange translation foreign stamp... spending few hundreds
dollars and loaded with tonnes of paper to CIC office.

Joe 123

May 28, 2015
Dear OpPop,

Yes I was and still located ( resident ) in Canada during all these years, each one of us here speaks about his own experience and not about somebody else experience, if I had a bad experience and u had a good experience, don't expect me after all the real suffer to come to the forum to speak about your good experience! how I wish that I had a good experience, really I how I wish.

I didn't know that this will be the end, every week I was thinking that the coming week I will receive the envelop of the good news.

It is very easy for each one of you to criticize and blame whatever he wants, I am looking for helpful advices, so anyone who can help with a helpful constructive idea is welcomed with thanks and appreciation.


Hero Member
Oct 8, 2014
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Joe 123 said:
Dear OpPop,

Yes I was and still located ( resident ) in Canada during all these years, each one of us here speaks about his own experience and not about somebody else experience, if I had a bad experience and u had a good experience, don't expect me after all the real suffer to come to the forum to speak about your good experience! how I wish that I had a good experience, really I how I wish.

I didn't know that this will be the end, every week I was thinking that the coming week I will receive the envelop of the good news.

It is very easy for each one of you to criticize and blame whatever he wants, I am looking for helpful advices, so anyone who can help with a helpful constructive idea is welcomed with thanks and appreciation.
Absolutely not blaming you. I just said you cannot generalize your experience to everyone in CIC.

Anyway, based on your answers, I think you have a great chance of fighting this. If I were you, I would hire a lawyer and fight my case and also send another application right away.

Good luck.


VIP Member
Apr 2, 2010
Emphatically concur with comments recommending seeing an experienced, reputable Canadian immigration lawyer as soon as possible.

Time within which you must make application for leave to appeal is 30 days.

At the least consult a lawyer . . . this alone might cost $300 to $500.

Beyond that, what your best course of action from here is depends a great deal on all the particular facts and circumstances in your case and in your life for the last many years.

I understand the drive to rail against the system in these circumstances, but your attention would be better focused on assessing the situation, identifying potential approaches to take, and taking actual steps in the direction you deem is right FOR YOU, in your situation.

Since I think it would be far better, if not imperative, to consult with a lawyer, I will not offer any concrete ideas about where to actually go from here, whether to appeal, make another application, or such.

But I will offer one example which should illustrate how the particular facts of YOUR situation are critically important:
There is no one general rule about rushing to apply again before the revised requirements come into force (take effect); for example, if you have been living in Canada the last six years, actually present more than 1460 days during these six years and in at least four of the preceding six calendar years you were not absent from Canada for 182 or more days (for each of four calendar years), and you have been filing a Canadian tax return as a resident of Canada, you already qualify under the new law . . . and you might actually sail through the process if you wait to apply under the new law (even if you get RQ'd it could, probably should go quickly . . . unless CIC has some reason to suspect you have been living abroad during the last several years). I am not suggesting this is what you should do. I am outlining some very specific facts which might induce you in this direction. Other facts could easily push you in another direction. Given the current situation, again at the least a consultation with an immigration lawyer, who can review all the relevant facts in confidence, is the best immediate action to take.


May 30, 2015
Hi Joe,

Be sure that you are not alone in this suffer.

If they know what they are doing then you wouldn't see anyone in this forum.

There are highly educated people who are staying at home with no job opportunity while there are so many underqualified CIC staff who are causing pain and suffer for thousands of people, welcome to our homeland.


Champion Member
Apr 30, 2012
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Joe 123 said:
Dear All,
I am writing this letter while I'm under complete shock;
I Applied to Citizenship by end 2008; I got a residence Questionnaire by end 2010; I have been asked to do the Citizenship Test in 2014! I did and passed it.
I was out of town for Christmas and New Year in December 2014, when came back I found a letter from CIC asking for a very long list of documents with 30 days' notice! I phoned CIC and informed them that 5 years ago I received an RQ and that there could be something wrong because some of the newly requested documents are already in my file, so they asked me to send the same to CIC in writing, I did so, but I received a reply of FINAL NOTICE!!! Insisting on receiving the same documents, I replied asking for more time, they replied allowing 2 more months, I sent all the requested documents as soon as I received them.
Just yesterday I received a letter of “Abandonment of Citizenship Application” stating that I did not provide the additional information by the date specified by CIC and that the decision maker is not satisfied that the excuse I provided for late documents is reasonable.
Nobody in the world can understand my feeling; I spent all my life waiting for CIC to reply, I couldn't plan anything well in my life cause of CIC inefficiency.
I applied to immigration in 1999 and got the visa in 2004; I applied to citizenship in2008 and got rejected in 2015! Because they consider that I was late! in submitting the documents, They have no value for our lives and for our time, for six years I called CIC hundreds of times begging them to please reply, and at the end they closed the file because I am late!!!
I was late cause had to collect the documents from many ministries in Canada and out of Canada, I was late cause the health Ministry was late, cause the CBSA was late, cause the CRA was late, cause the translator for the passports who took a fortune was late, cause the authorities who issue the an Exit Entry Report abroad were late including all the stamps and translations, cause my previous Employers were late, We are talking about documents 10 years old!
What do I have to do?
Start preparing all your evidence as you need to sue them and you should win this. Not sure why you waited this long, you should have sued as soon as you reached your time for non-routine applications plus the few extra month you were allowed to submit.

If one lawyer tell you no you should not sue but rather just apply again, just walk out and find the next lawyer. Your case should be reopened and processed as soon as they receive the court documents.