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A Journey to Employment in Canada: A Story of Perseverance and Growth


Aug 26, 2024
Moving to a new country often comes with a blend of excitement and anxiety, especially when it involves starting a new career. Canada, with its diverse culture and welcoming environment, has been a beacon of hope for many job seekers around the world. This is a story about one such journey, highlighting the challenges and triumphs of securing employment in Canada.

Starting from Scratch

When I first arrived in Canada, the excitement of exploring a new country was quickly overshadowed by the daunting task of finding a job. Despite having a solid resume and years of experience in my home country, I quickly realized that the Canadian job market had its own set of expectations. My qualifications didn’t seem to carry the same weight here, and the absence of “Canadian experience” was a significant barrier.

Overcoming Obstacles

The first few months were tough. I sent out countless applications, attended networking events, and even took volunteer positions to make connections and gain some local experience. The feedback was usually the same: “You need Canadian experience.” It was frustrating, and I even smoked yocan vapes every day during that time to ease my anxiety, but I refused to give up.

I decided to invest in myself by taking a few courses to bridge the gap in my qualifications. These not only enhanced my resume but also provided me with a better understanding of the local work culture. I also sought out a mentor through a community program, which turned out to be a game-changer. My mentor guided me on how to tailor my applications and interview responses to better align with Canadian employers' expectations.

The Breakthrough

After months of perseverance, I finally landed a job interview that felt like the perfect fit. I walked in with a mix of nerves and confidence, determined to showcase how my international experience could bring value to the company. The interviewers appreciated my proactive approach and the efforts I had made to adapt to the Canadian market. A week later, I received a job offer. The feeling of accomplishment was indescribable.

Growth and Integration

Starting the job was another learning curve. The workplace culture in Canada was different from what I was used to, but it was also incredibly inclusive and supportive. My colleagues were patient as I adjusted, and I was eager to learn and contribute. Over time, I found my footing, and my international perspective was valued as an asset.

Reflecting on the Journey

Looking back, my journey to employment in Canada was challenging but also incredibly rewarding. It taught me the importance of resilience, adaptability, and continuous learning. The Canadian job market may have its unique hurdles, but with the right mindset and support, it’s possible to overcome them and build a fulfilling career.

For anyone embarking on a similar journey, my advice is to stay persistent, seek out resources and support, and be open to learning and growth. Canada is a land of opportunities, and with determination, you can find your place in its diverse and vibrant workforce.


Aug 27, 2024
My name is Aymane Ababous. I was born on May 13, 2002 in Rabat, Morocco. I obtained a high school diploma in 2021, and after that I decided to continue my studies in the agricultural field because I love this field very much, especially animal husbandry. I have loved taking care of animals since I was young and giving them everything they need. In 2023, I obtained a technical diploma specializing in agricultural enterprise management, but unfortunately I did not find many opportunities to work here in Morocco and learn more in this field. Therefore, I am ready to immigrate to work and learn new things in this field get to know new people, new traditions. "Need support in obtaining a visa" contact me on aymane.baabousse@gmai.com


VIP Member
Nov 11, 2008
Job Offer........
My name is Aymane Ababous. I was born on May 13, 2002 in Rabat, Morocco. I obtained a high school diploma in 2021, and after that I decided to continue my studies in the agricultural field because I love this field very much, especially animal husbandry. I have loved taking care of animals since I was young and giving them everything they need. In 2023, I obtained a technical diploma specializing in agricultural enterprise management, but unfortunately I did not find many opportunities to work here in Morocco and learn more in this field. Therefore, I am ready to immigrate to work and learn new things in this field get to know new people, new traditions. "Need support in obtaining a visa" contact me on aymane.baabousse@gmai.com
There are many fields for animal lovers such as veterinary science. Why animal husbandry / agriculture?