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A couple questions


Champion Member
Aug 2, 2019
As I am sponsoring my wife and I just came across one more document named the Settlement Plan. Can any one let me know what is Settlement Plan and is there any form from IRCC.

Thank you very much in advance.
Provide a link to the document you are talking about or the doc number please.
Jun 27, 2019
With regard to Permanent Residence Online Portal Account, I have the following query:

Who should create the account in PR Portal for spousal sponsorship, when the sponsor (i.e. myself) and principal applicant (i.e. my wife) live together and outside Canada, i.e. in our home country and I have been working by myself on spousal sponsorship application for my wife.

However, in IMM5289 under Table of Contents, Step 3. Complete the application, I came across the following:
"The person being sponsored (principal applicant) must sign in or create a Permanent Residence online application portal account."

Thank you very much in advance.


VIP Member
Feb 1, 2015
With regard to Permanent Residence Online Portal Account, I have the following query:

Who should create the account in PR Portal for spousal sponsorship, when the sponsor (i.e. myself) and principal applicant (i.e. my wife) live together and outside Canada, i.e. in our home country and I have been working by myself on spousal sponsorship application for my wife.

However, in IMM5289 under Table of Contents, Step 3. Complete the application, I came across the following:
"The person being sponsored (principal applicant) must sign in or create a Permanent Residence online application portal account."

Thank you very much in advance.
What's your question? You or your spouse create an account in the name of the principal applicant. Together you figure out what email to use or whatever.

Later in app if you wish to be her rep (which I'd recommend), you can also fill out the form for that.
Jun 27, 2019
Thank you very much armoured for your reply. However, my question had to do with the PR (Permanent Residence) Portal and I am a bit confused of that who should create the account in PR Portal, either sponsor or the principal applicant, in order to upload spousal sponsorship application and the required documents at the said PR Portal.

whereas, in IMM5289 under Table of Contents, Step 3, Complete the application, it says the following:
"The person being sponsored (principal applicant) must sign in or create a Permanent Residence online application portal account."

But I guess above clause should apply if the sponsor lives in Canada and the principal applicant in her home country. In my case, we live together and live outside Canada. Under this scenario who should create the account in PR Portal. However, being sponsor for my wife, eventually I would be uploading sponsorship application and the required documents at the PR Portal using my wife email.

My scenario is that I am the sponsor (Husband and Canadian Citizen) lives with the principal applicant (my wife) and outside of Canada, that is my home country.

Thank you very much for any response from any one.
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VIP Member
Feb 1, 2015
Thank you very much armoured for your reply. However, my question had to do with the PR (Permanent Residence) Portal and I am a bit confused of that who should create the account in PR Portal, either sponsor or the principal applicant, in order to upload spousal sponsorship application and the required documents at the said PR Portal.

whereas, in IMM5289 under Table of Contents, Step 3, Complete the application, it says the following:
"The person being sponsored (principal applicant) must sign in or create a Permanent Residence online application portal account."
I admit I do not understand your question because I think I answered it.

Do it however you wish. I'd suggest that you use two email accounts - one for sponsor, one for spouse. Whoever actually uses those accounts and does the necessary on IRCC systems - work it out with your spouse. One person can do both. Each person must, however, understand that they should still sign and must take responsibility for everything filed in their name. This is not that complicated: it's like hiring someone to do the filing but instead, it's the spouse/sponsor (or vice versa).

To make things easier, whichever is actually doing the online stuff willl find it easier with a designation as representative from IRCC. Use the 'representative' form for this.

Background: I did everything for me and my spouse, while living abroad. None of that matters. Normal split of responsibilities between spouses. No issues whatsoever.
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Jun 27, 2019
With regard to imm5533e, I have the following query:

Information about Previous Examination (to be completed by the sponsor):
The person I am sponsoring was declared as my spouse or partner and was already examined as a non-accompanying dependent when I applied for a permanent resident visa, and did not receive an immigrant visa. (Note: If you have never applied for a permanent resident visa, answer no.)

I got my permanent resident visa in 2001 and Canadian Citizenship in 2005. I married in the year of 2011 followed by I sponsored my wife the same year, however her permanent residence visa was rejected by IRCC in 2014. Now, I have been sponsoring my wife again in the year 2023, but I am confused of selecting the option Yes/No to the question above PART A in the form (imm5533e).

Thank you very much in advance.
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