Hello today my friend told me that he received additional 50 CRS points for having a apega mit membership that bumped his score to 455. Is it that true I can't find anything related to it on internet?
Hello today my friend told me that he received additional 50 CRS points for having a apega mit membership that bumped his score to 455. Is it that true I can't find anything related to it on internet?
sounds like your friend might have said yes to having a certificate of qualification, but that one he has does not qualify under that question so if he gets an ITA will be rejected because he's not entitled to those 50.
I have an APEGA MIT membership but never claimed 50 pts. Please note that its not a certificate of qualification from province. its a step to get PENG license for engineers and geo-scientist.
No, he is in little confusion. 50 points is only for Certificate of qualifications for trades only like plumbers, electricians and network cabling specialist etc. thank you